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My rewards Point...

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Hello all,

From Morning i am not able to see my rewards point on SCN. Anyone also facing same issue or everyone ..

As i saw nobody pointing it out, so i feeling worried that am i the single person facing this.



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hi everyone,

Thank you for flooding our inboxes with all the email notifications... Really appreciate.

This is the SCN Support space, and I'm going to be a bit strict, as I can be sometimes 😉 I love all the jokes and private jokes around the point system, but please can you keep them in the Coffee Corner? Those genuinely looking for an update from SCN will have a hard time on this thread.

Now, here is the update.

You could see today Thursday Sept. 26 that the leaderboards are showing points correctly again. I checked in a few spaces, but if they are not accurate please let me know (we do have a known issue though with spaces recently added since May 2013, we are addressing it separately as it's not due to the maintenance of last Sunday).

All the points that you are missing from the maintenance window and shortly after (until Monday 12:35pm Pacific Time) will be added, and this include mission completion status. Thank you for your patience, we are expecting a fix by end of this week.



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Thanks Laure for Update and bearing our Jokes . Next time i will create this kind of thread in Coffee corner but i will wish , in future we won't required this kind of thread.

Laure, One more issue is there, Please take care of that also.



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Thanks for the update Laure.

Now the missing points have been added

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Thanks Laure for the update, Old ponts have been added. Thanks for the SCN Support Team.



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Hi Laure,

Thank you for this amazing week of action.. 🙂

My 85k points are still missing, but I have enroled for the "opt out of points" bagde anyway, so will start with them.

Thanks for the support and enjoy the weekend,


Active Participant
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Thanks a lot for the update Laure.


Debopriya Ghosh

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Thanks Laure, We got what we missed from last weekend.. From BW space everything looks perfect. Thanks to SCN IT team for their great efforts to bring this back.

Thank you.

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Hi Laure,

My Reward  points are still not updated .Kindly suggest by when it can be updated.



Answers (37)

Answers (37)

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HI Chandrashekhar,

My Reward points instead of increasing got reduced and also was not being updted till 1 week.

Kindly advise how and whom to coordinate.



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Harsh , can help you.
Once he will check it , will reply to you.

Till then Keep patience

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Times have changed in SCN - just found a discussion about a similar incident back in 2005, which has just 567 views and 8 replies, contrary to his one with >175 replies and >4250 views

Even more interesting the people who had participated

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May you live in interesting times...

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Thanks Laure! Thanks SCN team! Everything is back in place!

Once more you proved that you are a genuis!

Sorry couldn't help sharing the appreciation! No matter, if a flood happens!, SCN is there for rescue!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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missing points have been updated.

Thanks to SCN team for their stupendous work. cheers !!!



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Dear I guess still we need to wait for proper update.

Look At the SS.

No link is coming, in which Question my ans was helpful.

Please check your all Reputations links, Its still need some improvement.

As Laure Said "we are expecting a fix by end of this week. "

Hope for the Best

Good Luck SCN Team

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Hi Chandra Shekhar

The links show for me, i guess it is getting updated slowly and you will also be able to see the lnik soon.



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i still see pointa are not added to my account

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Yes team is still working on it .you may check the latest reply from Jason.

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Team any further updates on the points which are not added up.



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Can't people just be patient? Surely so long as it's done by the end of the year so you meet your targets, it doesn't matter. I'm sure the team will let you know as soon as it is fixed.

The more messages you post asking for updates, the longer it will take.

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Ok Mathew same has been noted down..



Former Member
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Its Okay

Wait some more days . At least end of this month.  Okay .. All remaining point will be added to your total point very soon.

Former Member
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Even I can see the updation of the points again...still the points from the two days during upgradation are not showing.

Can the team please do the needful and revert back asap.



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I guess you need this urgently. Will you reward points?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Can the team please do the needful and revert back asap.

I guess you need this urgently. Will you reward points?

Using "urgent, ASAP" & offering/asking for points are against the forum rules. Please read the Forums' RoE before posting

Troll alert

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We are expecting some modification in the comments from you ...

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give me the points back! 4 days I didn't sleep.

I didn't offer points only a wiki page nice and ready to be paste

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But we are missing point for 2 days only ..

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I think that those days were 22nd and 23rd September,2013....

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yes but this happened on 22 uuuuuuuH

I want my point baaaack snif snif

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Okay , I am calling to SCN IT team , they will return you, your points with some bonus points ..

Now Happy

Former Member
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Dear Chandra,

Even i am facing the same issue , my points of those 2 days have also not been updated. I assumed that SCN team must be working on the same.



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Yes Mr.Anupam.

You are right.

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Or maybe they're taking a well-earned rest. Or working on something more important.

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no please, you're cruel! don't give me this notice

I don't believe you, I'm sure Jason it's working precisely on my points and you will be the last one

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oh finally some good news, even the interest on points

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In fact, Roberto, I already bribed him to fix yours last.

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Matthew, this is indeed good news! (forgot)

You deserve a new original wiki page ... ehm ehm quite original ... just a little CTRL + C and CTRL + V something like 95%, ... but the author's name It's original ... but please do not forget to change it.

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I believe everyone who asks for their points back, automatically gets investigated for copy&pasting poetry. Long overdue..

The inspector is currently at point 268 of my 85k points, so this could still take a while before Anupam and the others can be dealt with.

Please keep order in the queue (also applies to people from the UK) and dont make 6 lanes out of 1 (also applies to holders of valid Indian driver's licenses).



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Julius von dem Bussche wrote:

The inspector is currently at point 268 of my 85k points, so this could still take a while before Anupam and the others can be dealt with.

I can not believe! I was assured that counted before my

Please keep order in the queue (also applies to people from the UK) and dont make 6 lanes out of 1 (also applies to holders of valid Indian driver's licenses).

ehi we italian are not so unruly! 4 lanes are sufficient for us



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This message was moderated.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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leadership board points are available. but i feel some points for two days are not yet added .



Active Contributor
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On the positive side, at least we know who the points hunters are now.

Active Contributor
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Great to see table points are back to normal. But we lost Sunday and Monday points which we gained.

Thanks to Kudos SCN IT Team.


Active Contributor
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Yes, leadership board is also back. Now all that is remaining is the points that was accrued on Sunday and Monday.

Keep going SCN! You guys are doing great!

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Or let it be that the points be restored with interest. Just wondering what should be the rate?

Points restored = Points due * number of days * 1?

Julius just imagine how much points you will get if you had 85000?? Now this is good coding!

STP, 2013 - Yep I was there too!

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Points restored = Points due * number of days * loss of reputation (possibly factored over the number of years it takes for SAP to get rid of the points system for cummulative gains for having been there this week)?

Oh darn, that is going to produce a negative number again for sure... 

On the up-side of the thing: At the end of the year, the SCN bean counters always compare the ever increasing returns to scale KPIs of points to the actual performance and then find some bugs (like this one) for which some mass adjustments are needed. This happens every year so 2013 is also a safe bet now. As the past 2 days are a bit of a blackbox for measuring how much KPI was lost, it provides an ideal habitat for for GL entries to be made to caring community members who suffered in the tragedy.

So post all your ponits totals here from 21. September and chances are fairly good that the needful will be done without any questions asked.

I want my 85k points back. That is for sure.



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I think the whole gamification should be reengineered to follow this paradigm:

"Pointless: Quiz in which contestants try to score as few points as possible"

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Julius, I am confused now,

Either this point loss was much earlier than last weekend, because I did not find your name in Laure's SCN Topic Leaders blog.

Or the SCN team has tested this incident in their test system, because I just went there and took a screen shot of your points

And even worse  you have not even been active since August 2012.

I have to think about this 85K request, it may fall under point cheating.

Former Member
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Hi Jürgen,

They anonymize the data in the test system as that contains personell data about my mother-in-law and some domestic problems I have had over the years with rodents and cars, which explains the bogus ponits as well...

ps: Are you aware that you only have 72k points?!?!? Tammy or one of the poets might catch up with us soon..



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I remember how much I had, but even I am down to 61 (without K), but I am still the leader:

I am not that much afraid about poets anymore, since I have seen a smart boy called Wiki, who gets a lot stars just for rubbing the nose

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I am not so sure the stars came from the rubbing.  Maybe there was 'something' on that finger just before she inhaled.......

Best Regards,


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Wickie is a boy ! (albeit not a dogboy)

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Here is some video footage of someone smelling their own points:

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have you earned your 40 points for this wiki page?

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Not yet, I need 17 more Likes. It is not that easy to make 40 points with Wikis outside the wiki place

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Thanks for reporting this, Jason. I was having the same problem as Anshu.

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Wanted to report on the thread that my points show up, but my Reputation history is now empty.  This has been restored as of this morning when I checked.

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Guys... the issue is obviously still not fully resolved (as was already written by the team) and the SCN team is working on it. Writing every 5 minutes that it's still not working won't make them work faster or the problem go away sooner.

Have some patience! PLEASE!

You can live without a correct points count for some days. It's not mandatory to help out here nor to ask questions.

Like I stated in another discussion: IT-ler are definitely the worst users...



Former Member
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Dear friends,

Even I noticed that the points from 22 September have not been maintained to my name and my points are reducing accordingly.

Now today even I noticed that most of my points are gone (yesterday I had 85 thousand points) and the tax receipt which I had for giving Helmut Kohl the money in the black suitecase was definately deleted by Shushmitha's ABAP program.

I kindly demand the team to revert the order of the points again and do the needful to send the tax receipt.



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hi julis ....

yesterday u have 85 thousand points ? or 18 thousand points ? 

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But what about those for who points is part of their yearly targets? Won't someone think of the children?

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Sometimes I get the feeling, the SCN points are the base of the salary.
Former Member
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Yes, 85 thousand. SCN points virus has deleted them. I want them back.

Please check your own points and demand them back as well. If we all are united together in the correction of our tragic losses in the communitee, then we can get the deserved points.

You actually also had 20k points yesterday, didn't you? Yes, you did... Please do the needful...



Former Member
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Hi Julius,

Its Hilarious



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This certainly has been the case in several points gaming busts. It wasn't just their egos...

We even caught SAP employees trading in points on a handful of occasions or faking the KPIs. As that is bonus relevant, the gaming is actually defrauding their company. That is a criminal offense and not just a little domestic problem....



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I'm also interested to see how many bonus points we get for the extend suffering of this cruelty possible some extra badge..

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I want the badge! It could have a band-aid as symbol on it to show it's meant to heal the gashing wounds that were cut into everyones points.

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it's called "survived to pointloss 2013"

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The Great Pointloss of 2013: I WAS THERE
Former Member
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I am also facing the same problem.

Former Member
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hi frnds.....

Today i crossed century 100 points

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Hi Malyadri,

Good Day!



Hari Suseelan

Former Member
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hi hari ....

Thanxx a lot............

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Congrats Jwala G

so now you are going to give your point to me, as you promised

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Hi Malyadri,

You are welcome. Keep blogging and sharing different contents.

All the best for your mission.


Hari Suseelan

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hi chandra ,

Ya sure i will give u ...

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Guess the points issue is still not resolved

The detail is appearing in my Reputation tab but the points are not getting accrued to my profile total points 

This is one of the best example to demonstrate how inadequate testing can dissatisfy your end-users

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Yes, very soon it will be fine

Just enjoy SCN because all useful links are working very fine

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Until it's fixed, never mind the points, concentrate on the warm glow you get from helping people.

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Hi Matthew,

Good Day!

Yes. You are Perfect.


Hari Suseelan

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Since last night on wards, my points(latest only) started adding to my total points. But the day before yesterday's points have not been added at all. Does it mean, I lost all that day's points ?

If so, it is a huge loss

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Don't worry Guys. I think SCN team is still working on this issue and Hope for the Best

The last 2 days data and 12-month Leaderboard are yet to be streamlined.



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I though the points have been eaten by a virus they most likely will not come back or infect some just freshly gained points..

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Hmmm reputation is back.. Only the points gained on 22 Sept have not been updated. Leadership board is also not updated.

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But Reputation is still needs some improvements, As no link is coming related to content there..

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Please check the reply from Laure..

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Hi Suman,

I am also facing same problem.

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Check out the point 2 from laure's reply..Might give some relief..

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some positive activity in my points ...

980(20/9)-->Points Loading(21/9)--->After some correct and helpful ans-->840(23/9) --->>After some likes 900(24/9)

I guess SCN IT team got the issue and improving it..

Good Luck




One good news also!!

From now if you are getting any point that will be added in your total point

Active Contributor
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Yes, now on points are adding, but points which we gained from Aug 1 2013 to Sep 23 2013 not added to 12 month leader board. SCN team need to check on this too.

Hope so they can.


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Great news guys, Seems like reputation tab history was back, seems like pending is points. need to get back gained points from last two days. We will get back those too......

Thanks SCN


0 Kudos

Hi Raman,

I am also facing the same problem even i can't see last two days history in Reputation tab and points are not updating.


0 Kudos

Hi everyone,

Here is an update, and this is good news:

  1. Points started accruing again today, Monday 9/23 as of 12:35 PM Pacific time
  2. The fix to assign points to the right spaces (for Leaderboards and Expertise area in the reputation tab) is being worked on. I see some progress in the CRM space already
  3. Once #2 is done our vendor will run cleanup scripts on historical data to add missing tags, and make sure that challenges which should have been completed between 8 PM Pacific time Saturday 9/21 and 12:35 PM Pacific Monday 9/23 got completed. This should be completed "before early Tuesday 9/24 Pacific time".



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