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my posts gets rejected all the time

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Dear Forum Admins,

im quite new to the forum and was very active lately.

It was realy frustrating realizing that alot of my posts got deleted (rejected). Some without comment, some with the notice to stop sms-style-speech.

As i was sure i stopped the sms-style, my posts still got rejected and even my forum access got denied.

I dont know which moderator keeps deleting my posts and i am not even able to ask back - there is no menue-point for asking back. There is also no possibility i can ask a moderator of "ABAP DEVELOPMENT" directly because i can just message freinds or people that follow me.

To be honest i feel a little offened. Maybe also because this is the first forum this happens to me.

I try to conform to the forum-rules as good as i can. Though i feel like my posts gets deleted because i accidently wrote u instead of you.  i cant even correct my post, because the post got deleted and somehow i feel i didnt do anything wrong.

I dont know if this is the right place to adress my complaint, but the alert-moderator-option just allows 255 signs.

Accepted Solutions (0)

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

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This is exactly the right place to post your query. It is a shame that you can't DM a moderator directly, but if you had checked my profile, I do provide an email address for people to contact me if they need to.

I rejected a lot of your posts for the SMS spelling. Accidentally typing "u" instead of "you" is fine - but it was rather more than this; enough, in my view, to render your post unreadable to many non-native English speakers.

I always leave a note of explanation for rejections.

No moderator has the power to deny system access. That could only be done by admin at the request of a moderator, and only after strenuous efforts to remedy the situation.

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An other example is, that one of my posts solved the original post, and got deleted. The autor left a statement ..."post of Stefan Seeburger solved my issue" but as my post got deleted (because of SMS-Style) i cant even change it and add it again, because the original-post got closed. Now every user having the same problem and finding this post will not be able to know what the solution was. (There also seem to be a bug because an other post now is now shown as "correct answer" as my post with the "correct answer" got deleted).I think its even more damage not having a solution than having a SMS-style-post in the Forum.

I found myself in a dilemma, because i wanted to share my knowlege, but the "forum" didnt look like it wanted me to share it. I have to say i was close to quit.

Also as my posts just got deleted it was a matter of maths to me that as more moderators a Sub-Forum have, the higher the chances are that my post gets deleted. And it would take me quite a while to write a post in a form that no moderator gets offended. This fact i think is lowering the forum activity in total.

Now here i am, still here - every thing is fine now. At least in my case...


Stefan Seeburger

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I agree that the moderator should be named in the rejection notices.

Glad you decided to hang around though. 🙂

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For every rejection you will get notification under Action item.

click on Action-->Notification. Here you can see the all rejected posts of yours with reason.

Once again read scn rules and follow them while creating post. it won't be rejected.

Some major/basic points to follow.

1. Never use chat/sms language

2. Always need to use proper heading and body descriptions.

3. Personal details are not allowed to share at discussions.

4. if you like to share email id, please share at your profile level.

5. Before posting issue, please do the search on Google with similar words.

6. if you won't find related discussion or docs on Google then you can post issue at scn.


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Dear Forum Admins,

im sorry my post wasnt finished - it took my quite a while and i accidently pressed strg + s.

What i wanted to add is, that im writing every post like i would write a professional email except of my signature. I put effort and time in helping other forum-members and all i want is a fair treatment.


Stefan Seeburger

Active Contributor
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If you give your signature with your personal email id in your every post, then the post will be rejected.

You can't share your personal email id with any content.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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That's right: the only appropriate place to share your contact info in on your profile.