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Moderator's own content being moderated as "newbie"?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I just posted a comment on a document and was given the message: Your comment will be reviewed by a moderator before being added. Your content is being moderated because your points level indicates that you are new to posting on SCN. Keep participating and creating quality content to move out of moderation status. Visit SCN Support for more information or if you think that you have received this message in error. Thank you for participating on SCN!

Now folks, the person who wrote the blog might be a newbie (he's certainly not very current) but I'm not only at Topaz level but also  moderator of that space?!

So now being asked to moderate my own content?!

Dare I suggest that there may be a little logic bug somewhere that needs fixing please?

Original post is here:



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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I quite agree with not divulging what the text patterns being searched for are, becuase as you say people will quickly learn to work around them.

I will never agree with sending out a totally false error message i.e. "you do not have enough points" to Jocelyn who as I recall has something like ten billion points.

This is rather like the error message in SAP where you are in a production order and choose "documentated goods movements" and get the error as follows:-

"either you are not authorised OR there is no data"

Well, which one is it? The program would no, it has done both an authority check and an SQL seelcet and knows the results of both. Not having a seperate message when the authority check fails is sheer laziness, a result of not taking pride in ones works, orto be more charitable more likely being forced by the powers that be to shovel out sub-standard code as fast as you can.

In this case would it be a radical idea that, if someone did not have enough points, tell them, and if the content had triggered some of sort of pattern detection error, don't say what the pattern is, but something like "the content in your blog / question / reply required moderator approval"?

As a test, to see if this reply gets flagged as needing moderator approval, I am going to end the post with two words which in my opinion when detected by the system should trigger an automatic block if used in a blog post.

"Hi Gurus"

Active Contributor
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I've had a blog go into moderator approval last week - and was surprised - but all I really have to say about that is

Please reward points if useful

Answers (4)

Answers (4)

Active Contributor
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This has happened to me before (though I'm not a moderator), where a comment I posted to an existing discussion went into moderation, and the message I got was the same as yours, about having too few of points, which was certainly not true (though again, I'm nowhere near Topaz level!). My understanding was just as others commented, that the points level was not the actual cause, but I used a certain word somewhere in my post that triggered automatic moderation. However, the standard message returned was generic and misleading.

Active Contributor
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I've started getting this as well. I think the system is not actyually querying how many points someone has or how long they have been on SCN or how active they are. It just fires up the "you are new, you need moderator approval" message either at random or all the time.

Active Contributor
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some individuals try to use SCN to advertise their "service", to avoid that this is coming through there is a filter looking for patterns, since the self cleaning by clicking moderator alert from the huge amount of people in SCN does not work. So it can happen that the one or other may hit such a pattern in a blog. Unfortunately  there is just one message that is given to the user when something is send to moderation (maybe it is good, otherwise the spammers would learn quickly how to get around)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Looks like you post was pushed through:

Please note:

I've completed the beginner missions but my content is still being moderated.

Additional rules and filters may cause your content to be moderated, even if you are no longer part of the moderated group or are part of the exempted group. Please be patient and an SCN moderator will review your content as soon as possible.  If you are still unsure, create a discussion in SCN Support.


Former Member
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The error message is misleading.

OP is the moderator here as he has chosen to moderator all comments posted on his content.

It is a way to avoid spam or negative comments.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hmmm - well then are there 2 bugs? I'm  a moderator of that space and was able to moderate my own comment.

Former Member
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It is just one bug. OP gets to act like a moderator using moderated comments feature for own document.

Since moderators are able to change content written by others, it may be possible for you to change the document's comment option from moderated to open.

Active Contributor
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Its a bug..

I remember, We had a same type of problem before some days/months ago.

User has the platinum level, but (s)he also get the same approval message..

I have found two discussion like the same

Here is a discussion same happens for a moderator

