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Issues with migrated blog contents

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0 Kudos

Dear 1DX team

I've looked through my blog posts that have been migrated from the current Jive platform onto the 1DX Beta platform and noticed a number of issues. I can't find any of the issues in the so I'm reporting them here.

1. Links to other SCN blogs/documents missing

These are hyper-links that are auto-titled by the Jive editor when I copy and paste an SCN link into the Jive blog editor. As shown below, the links are totally missing in the migrated posts.

New - Setup Adapter Module project in NWDS easily using EGit - SAP Blogs

Old -

Another example of a post with this issue is below - the values in the Reference column of the first table are all missing.

New - FormatConversionBean - One Bean to rule them all! - SAP Blogs

Old -

2. Missing image in post

The following post has missing image as shown below - refer step 4 of post

New - Using EGit to quickly create an Adapter Module's EJB & EAR project - SAP Blogs

Old -

Similarly the following posts also have missing images (the last one has all images missing)

HCI: Using Eclipse WSDL Editor for SOAP-based integration - SAP Blogs

Recompile as EJB 2.1 modules in NWDS 7.1x - SAP Blogs

Consuming RESTful CRUD services with Advantco REST adapter - SAP Blogs

3. Incorrect links to other SCN content

This is different from item 1, as the hyper links are added manually using the "Insert Link" functionality of the Jive editor. After migration, the links are there but incorrectly pointing to invalid URLs.

New - HCI: Transferring Integration Package Content from WebUI to Eclipse and back - SAP Blogs

Old -

New - Stop using the wrong NWDS version! © - Have a smoother Eclipse experience - SAP Blogs

Old -

4. Missing backslash

Backslash character (\) is missing from migrated post - refer step 6 of following post.

New - HCI: Transferring Integration Package Content from WebUI to Eclipse and back - SAP Blogs

Old -

5. Attachments not migrated

Attachments missing in migrated post

New - FEH/ECH setup for custom asynchronous proxy - SAP Blogs

Old -


Eng Swee

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Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Thanks a lot for your detailed capturing.

I've added it to our known bugs' list

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