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Is there an easy way to get a list of my blogs that require re-tagging?

Former Member

Most of my blogs have migrated without a primary tag. I can work through them using the list from my profile page, but the further through the list I get the harder it is to keep track of those I've done and those I haven't. Is there an easy way to get a list of my blogs that need re-tagging? That would make the job a whole lot easier...


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor

Hi Steve,

This will be easier once we add more filtering functionality from the Blogs list page, but for now, you should be able to find this list by visiting Blogs (from the top nav menu), then in the Actions button, click View My Posts. This will show you a list of all your posts in the WordPress UI. From that view, you should see Retagging Required under the Primary Tag column:

From here, you'll be able to edit each post directly.



Former Member

I'd not come across that view of my blogs before. That will certainly make it much easier. A filter, or even a sort, on the Primary Tag column would make it even better (hint:-).

Thanks Jamie!

Active Contributor

Agreed! Filter by tags is high on my wishlist 🙂

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Gee, I wonder how many of my 370 blogs have the right tags, or any? #sigh

Former Member

Could be worse. You could be Tammy...

0 Kudos

Impressive that you are already retagging Steve!

I'm sorry but I don't believe there is such a way to generate a list although I'll ask Jamie as our expert to respond once she awakens.