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Is Auto Login turned off?

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Looks like Auto Login stopped working (at least for me) few days ago. I didn't see any notifications that it was turned off, sorry if I missed a memo.

No login problems otherwise, but have to login manually every time. Just as I finally got rid of the annoying certificate prompt, it doesn't work again, argh!

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Let me ensure you: it's not tured off! Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. My co-workers from the SCN team are investigating the issue and I hope they will soon find and fix it.

My experience is that it is not bound to a certain browser type or version. It also happens with the latest browser versions and it might work with one browser one day and then stops working with that browser the next day, etc. And I think it's also not related to certificate issues.

I know it's annoying, but let's be patient and check for news. I hope it will soon be fixed.

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Thanks, Martin! I was starting to suspect this was a plot to keep Lukas and me out and am glad to hear it's not that.

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Hi Jelena,

I just learned that the issues was found and that a fix is rolled out next week which will hopefully solve the auto-login feature on SCN. So keep your fingers crossed and keep trying.

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Doesn't the fact that it stopped working about 3 weeks ago (at least for me), help in resolving the issue? I mean looking at what changes have been done to the SCN platform and analyze what change broke it? Or are you saying the problem has existed ever since auto login was re-enabled but that it hasn't manifestated until now for some reason? Which sounds a bit weird to a developer unless the problem is somehow time bound. Could it be related to persistent cookies and their validity period? For me auto login broke on several devices and browsers at the same time so I don't think updates on my end are to blame.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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It seems to be working fine now - I haven't had any issues since last week (knock on wood!). If you're still experiencing problems with auto-login, please feel free to open a new thread.

Thank you!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Yup, there was a fix over the weekend. Hopefully this is now resolved.

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Seems to work fine for me too.

0 Kudos

Hi Jelena,

Perhaps you need to renew the certificate, check the validity of your certificate please in you're Marketplace profile.


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If the certificate was invalid/expired then I wouldn't be able to logon. It doesn't prompt for certificate, that's where the problem is.

Lo and behold - it just worked when I clicked on the email link to respond to this post. Hm...

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Automatic Login stopped working for me as well but if I remember correctly it happened already last week. Now whenever I logon to SCN for the first time I have to press the Login link in the header in order to have SSO.

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I can confirm this.... with this I'm pretty much screwed. At work, with my IE8, the manual login-screen cannot be opened, it just freezes for me. I have an alternative with FF 17 where I can log in manually, but then most of the Java scripts for the gamification stuff get themselves killed somehow and make the HP freeze as well... wasn't able to contribute at all this week because of that...

I hope I can send this post with FF before this huge pile of junk freezes again..


Cheers, Lukas

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IE8 might be having issues with popup style of login.

You could update to latest version of FF, or install Chrome, or try this.

Open below link, it would open in full login window, not through popup.

After enter login details, the page would redirect to SCN welcome page.

P.S: Auto login is working for me. I use FF version 23, with setting == Options > General > When Firefox starts = Show my windows and tabs from last time. This setting saves the sessions and cookies when browser is closed, and sites like GMail and SCN do not ask for re-login.

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Manish Kumar wrote:

IE8 might be having issues with popup style of login.

You could update to latest version of FF, or install Chrome, or try this.

Yes, OR (just hear me out on this!) maybe a major IT company could deliver a web site that works at least with the browser that still has 56% of market share. Wouldn't that be cool?

</sarcasm off>

If login works in FF it might be just thanks to the FF, not the SCN site. Sadly, IE is still pretty much a standard for most corporate PCs. I'll try with FF (sh-sh-sh, don't tell IT!) and see what happens.

Thanks for the replies!

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My experience from this week - just in case someone is interested:

In the company with IE8 and certificate - no difference to any other week before - just smooth - once certificate okay click when starting

at home with Chrome and certificare login - had a new version update last weekend - in the beginning of the week really awful, probably up to 8 okay clicks on the certificate to be finally logged in. with each approval in the moderation queue another 2 okay clicks on the certificate. Since yesterday just back to normal, one certificate click when starting at home.

with my windows 8 tablet - no certificate - logged me in right away when starting the IE10 browser.

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I found a "solution" for my particular problem... still, screw all this... I'm now accessing SAP's web pages with 3 different browser because only this way I can make things partially work ....

P.S. In a Public Sector company which has security limits that make those of Fort Knox look like they're for tourists , you don't just "use another browser" or "update to a newer version" &/&%!"$§&