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Improve searching by author's name for SCN blogs in Google

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Hi All,

               I feel if SCN adds the name of the author below the picture of author that helps Google to identify the work of author. This helps users all over the blog to search all the blogs written by a author. Presently search engines do not have a method to search on basis of description of how a person looks like. For example we don't  have a method to find out the blogs written by a person who has fair complexion .  Presently SCN shows picture of the author besides the title of the blog as shown below

The name is shown as hyperlink as shown in red rectangle. You can check this blogs here .

Now when names are not shown as pure texts just below the image Google is unable  to trace the blog. This I have noted for many days now. Thus I have a article in wiki this turns up in Google search easily. the snap shot of the article is here

The link to the article is here

Thus search engines are able to search an article or blog easily if names and related image of author's are shown in article and the same does not happen if there is a hyperlink. Many users of SCN would love searching through Google to find articles written by a specific author without actually logging in to SCN.

Thus if new SCN follows same way to present author's picture and name (like wiki does)this might help the users looking for a article.

The blogs might still have a link to profile of the author separately so that users if they wish can follow to know more about the author.

This is a small suggestion and its up to SCN to investigate and decide.



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Former Member
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Have a look at this query that searches on Google for things posted by you on SCN.

Active Contributor
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Hi Manish,

                  Thank you for your response to this thread. The search you listed above does not show my wiki articles or the threads I answered. My question was that suppose you type my your name in google it should search out my SCN profile page. Now gogle searches facebook or linkdin. Does google prefer facebook or linkdin abive SCN ? or SCN needs to include some tagline so that google by default places it in top 20 searches it makes. 



Former Member
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The search engine tries to show most relevant result for your query.

The query that I had posted was specifically meant to show blogs written by you.

Blogs have "posted by username".

Documents have "created by username".

Threads/discussion have "username", and url has thread.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Manish,

                   I was trying to use SCN not only my technical stuff  but also as social networking site.

With coffee corner introduced in SCN, my non SAP friends might like to read the coffee corner stuff. Thus if google could show my SCN profile that would have been great. 



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Manish,

                   I was trying to use SCN not only my technical stuff  but also as social networking site.

With coffee corner introduced in SCN, my non SAP friends might like to read the coffee corner stuff. Thus if google could show my SCN profile that would have been great. 



Former Member
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Social networks are not known for interoperability, and Google Search is not a social network.

If your friends are using RSS readers, you could share your content rss feed with them. This is a good way of following a public content.

How about changing your display name to something so unique that only your content shows up in search?

For example, anupam99123 or anupamscn. Right now search does not show any results for these proposed names.

Active Contributor
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Hi Manish,

                   If you search google with any name it shows up closest profile from a social network. Can we do anything that google picks up a profile from SCN? Are the social networks doing something so that google can find them easily ? I am searching answers to these questions. I understand your point of view but I want SCN profiles be visible just like facebook and linkdin.



Former Member
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I think it will happen automatically when SCN userbase surpasses Linkedin and Facebook.

Not just member count, you need to also consider the frequency of these websites in overall search volume.

Trends comparison would be useful to understand the difference of scale.

Active Contributor
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Good advice Anupam.

I  do think so.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Anupam,

Please see my recent document that addresses this.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Jason,

                 In the blog you mentioned that I need to debug and add one line in HTML code working behind contents page. I could not find how to reach text editor toolbar. Could you please explain how to open the text editor.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

The text editor toolbar appears at the top of the text box (where you type the content).  You might need to click advanced editor to see the HTML button.