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Hi All,

I am Getting the Error "SAP Excel - Template sap_sm.xls " to fix this issue i got one Note:1771260.

As per this note i have Uploaded the "sap_sm.Xls".

when i am Executing the program"BCALV_BDS_MAINTENANCE" i am getting Short Dump.

Can some one help me.

Category           ABAP Programming Error
Except.            CX_SY_COMPRESSION_ERROR
ABAP Program       CL_ALV_VARIANT================CP

Application Component  BC-SRV-ALV

Date and Time      05/12/2013 01:31:57



|Short text                                                                                    |
|Error when decompressing during IMPORT.                                                   |



|What happened?                                                                                |
|Error in the ABAP Application Program                                                     |
|                                                                                              |
|The current ABAP program "CL_ALV_VARIANT================CP" had to be                     |
| terminated because it has                                                                |
|come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.                            |



|Error analysis                                                                                |
|An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.                                  |
|The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_COMPRESSION_ERROR', was not              |
| caught in                                                                                |
|procedure "GET_VARIANT_LAYO_FROM_DB" "(METHOD)", nor was it propagated by a               |
| RAISING clause.                                                                          |
|Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the                     |
|exception would occur, the current program is terminated.                                 |
|The reason for the exception is:                                                          |
|When IMPORTing compressed data, an error occurred when                                    |
|decompressing.                                                                            |
|Unable to read an IMPORT dataset.                                                         |
|The dataset may have been processed using SQL and is                                      |
|thus no longer readable for the IMPORT.                                                   |



|Missing RAISING Clause in Interface                                                           |
|Program                             CL_ALV_VARIANT================CP                  |
|Include                             CL_ALV_VARIANT================CM00X               |
|Row                                 1                                                 |
|Module type                         (METHOD)                                          |
|Module Name                         GET_VARIANT_LAYO_FROM_DB                          |



|Trigger Location of Exception                                                                 |
|Program                             CL_ALV_VARIANT================CP                  |
|Include                             CL_ALV_VARIANT================CM00X               |
|Row                                 10                                                |
|Module type                         (METHOD)                                          |
|Module Name                         GET_VARIANT_LAYO_FROM_DB                          |



|Source Code Extract                                                                           |


|Line |SourceCde                                                                               |


|1|method GET_VARIANT_LAYO_FROM_DB.                                                        |
|2|                                                                                        |
|3|  DATA: LS_layout_KEY   type LTDXKEY,                                                   |
|4|    lt_dblayout type table of ltdxdata,                                         |
|5|    ls_layout_kkblo type kkblo_layout.                                              |
|6|                                                                                        |
|7|  MOVE-CORRESPONDING iS_VARIANT TO LS_layout_KEY.                                       |
|8|  LS_layout_KEY-type = 'F'.                                                             |
|9|                                                                                        |
|>>>>>|  IMPORT LT_DBLAYOUT TO lt_DBLAYOUT                                                     |
|   11|                 FROM DATABASE LTDX(LT)                                             |
|   12|                 ID lS_layout_KEY.                                                  |
|   13|                                                                                        |
|   14|  CALL FUNCTION 'LT_LY_EXTERNAL_TO_INTERNAL'                                            |
|   15|   EXPORTING                                                                        |
|   16|        IS_DEFAULT_LAYOUT  = lS_LAYOUT_kkblo                                        |
|   17|   IMPORTING                                                                        |
|   18|        ES_INTERNAL_LAYOUT = lS_LAYOUT_kkblo                                        |
|   19|   TABLES                                                                           |
|   20|        T_EXTERNAL_LAYOUT  = LT_DBLAYOUT                                            |
|   21|   EXCEPTIONS                                                                       |
|   22|        OTHERS         = 1.                                                     |
|   23|  if sy-subrc ne 0.                                                                     |
|   24|MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO                                   |
|   25|        WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.                                   |
|   26|  endif.                                                                                |
|   27|                                                                                        |
|   28|  CALL FUNCTION 'LVC_TRANSFER_FROM_KKBLO'                                               |
|   29|   EXPORTING                                                                        |



|Active Calls/Events                                                                           |


|No.   Ty.      Program                         Include                         Line   |
Name                                                                                    |


|2 METHOD   CL_ALV_VARIANT================CPCL_ALV_VARIANT================CM00X10  |
CL_ALV_VARIANT=>GET_VARIANT_LAYO_FROM_DB                                                |
START-OF-SELECTION                                                                      |



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Former Member
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Hi Harikishore

Try SNote: 1856618 - Short dump IMPORT_DECOMPRESS_FAILED when executing report BCALV_BDS_MAINTENANCE



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Lethu,

1766149 this note Resolved the DUMP!!!!

Thanks for the Reply

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