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How to get an exhaustive list of used RFC?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi community,

We are trying to clear our system from all unused RFC.

I found some information in the ST03N “RFC Profiles” about connection Type 3 but I can’t find anything about connection type G or T.

Do you know any way to find information about this kind of RFC?

I don’t find any destination in the SM20 or smgw.

If there is no other way, I’ll try something with the dev_rfcXX file.

The same kind of question was asked in 2010 in “How to find out, which RFC-Destinations are in use?” but there is no answer 😕

Thanks and regards,

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I am not aware of any report/transaction that you could use to get this information "right away".

Using information from the transaction STAD would take "forever", it would not be "practical"...

Performing tracing (ST05 or other) could be an option, but you would still need to go through a lot of information...

You have also to consider the possibility that some RFC destinations could be used sporadically or periodically...



Former Member
0 Kudos


I manage to report the deadline of this audit, I will make some trace and only remove the ABAP connection.

Thank you for your answer.

Thanks and regards


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

0 Kudos

Hi Kévin,

     My Basis & Security team went through a similar exercise earlier this year. Some of the SAP Notes that were useful for us when we completed our comprehensive audit were:

1686632 - Positive lists for RFC callback

1968729 - SAL: Message definition for RFC callback

2002096 - Wrong originally called function in RFC callback check

2058946 - Maintenance of callback positive lists before Release 7.31

I hope this helps! I can share with you our experience gained from our audit. We found many dead RFC's, many using incorrect accounts, and many pointing to IP's instead of FQDNS. Upon completion our SAP environment is in a much better place.
