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How to find the latest response in a thread on SCN

Active Contributor

So my new year's resolution is to do more with SCN. I've made some bookmarks for tags I follow, and I'm going to try and blog in my primary space of IDM at least monthly. But navigating around here is something of a challenge at times. When looking through the feed is there a way to jump to the most recent post? I seem to recall this was fairly easy before, but I could be mistaken.

Thanks! (and let me know if there's another tag I should be using :))

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

I thought we were supposed to get notified by email when subscribing to tags that there had been a new posting on that tag. I had been told a long time ago this had been implemented to subscribed tags.

Does that work yet? I haven't ever received notifications for the tags to which I am subscribed.

Recently I saw a comment (I think it was from a platform like LinkedIn) where negative comments were posted about SAP'ers not responding to questions in as timely a manner as we used to with the older SCN system.

The issue here, speaking as one who used to answer questions a lot, is that we are not notified when questions are posted to the tags we are subscribed to. I would love to answer questions, but am often too busy to retroactively search a tag for questions I can answer. I would like to be notifed of questions being posted to the community site that I might be able to answer.

IMHO this is one of the FIRST capabilties that should have been created on this platform.


Active Contributor

No, e-mail notifications here do not work in the way you describe.

You can receive e-mails for the options available in your profile - e.g. when somebody creates a comment to your post, when somebody uses @mention for your user, direct messages etc.

For content, to which you subscribed (e.g. tags) - this appears only in your Activity stream.

If the team implements at some point RSS for the Q&A part of the site, I read that it is possible to convert RSS feed updates to e-mail, but I have never tried it.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

So I can select the tag and the activity type and with the 'More' button search through questions I might possibly be able to answer?

Thankfully, the limit seems to be about 1 month back, so I don't have to worry about questions I may have missed the opportunity to answer.

No wonder we are being perceived as non-responsive.


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Don't use the tag page, Chris. The q&a page has much more information on it.

You can get to it via the menu at the top ("Community") and then just click on "Questions and Answers".

On the right you can filter by your tags and now you can even see, if a question is already answered (that yellow check mark) or closed etc. 🙂

0 Kudos

Hello Chris,

When we launched this feature back in March, unfortunately due to resource and technical constraints, we were not able to incorporate email notifications for new content at the time and decided to include it in a future iteration. This was communicated through multiple channels so please feel free to go back to my blog to read further details about this feature:

However, I am happy to let you know that we are currently working on this exact ask and hope to deliver this functionality soon, before the end of Q4. Users will see two new categories in their Email Notification settings here: manage. Once they "subscribe" to these categories, or turn them on, they will start receiving email notifications for all new questions and blogs that get published in the primary tags they are following. More details will be available as we work through this process of refinement and development.

Best regards,

Sajid Amir

Active Contributor

I would love to be at least notified when someone posts another answer to a question I've answered before. Many times OP posts additional information as another answer and then no one sees it unless they happen to open the question.

The whole communication process here still leaves a lot to be desired.

Active Contributor

There is a discussion going on right now about the virtues of having separate comments/answers. I very much hope SCN does away with this. (This question is actually a poster child for this problem - it has more comments than answers and to see them I have to expand the comments.)

If there are just "replies" instead of comments/answers then different sort options should not be hard to implement. And it's already available for the answers.

I believe RSS is possible for Q&A but don't remember how, calling veselina.peykova for help.

Active Contributor

You summoned me 🙂

RSS for Q&A is possible in standard AnswerHub implementation. For SAP Community this feature is not activated.

Active Contributor
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Ah OK, thank you! Well, that's why you need to go with the standard! SAP should know of all people. 🙂 ZSAP is where problems start.

Active Contributor

It is probably customizing 🙂

0 Kudos

Hello Matt,

The best way to track new questions and blogs from your activity stream is to do the following:

  • Go to your Activity Stream:
  • Click on a Primary Tag to filter only activities from that tag
  • Click on "Questions and Answers" or "Blogs" to further isolate only important updates from that primary tag according to your needs. This filter would filter out social activities such as "likes" and "upvotes" so you can view updates such as new questions, answers, blogs, or comments

In addition to your Activity Stream, you can also use the respective Q&A or Blog Tag pages to track such new content.

For instance, for the latest Questions and Answers from the primary tag Using, follow these steps:

For the latest Blogs from the primary tag Using, follow these steps:

c.baker mentioning you here as you may find this answer helpful as well.

Best regards,

Sajid Amir

Active Contributor

Hi Sajid,

This is very helpful. It would be nice if this could be saved as a link or directed to an RSS feed...


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Well, this is what I do (using Chrome):

  • Seach the page for "Comments"
  • Click any occurrence of "Comments" that is a link to hidden comments.
  • Hit F3 and repeat, until all are gone
  • When done, Search for "hours" then "days"
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Unfortunately now there is no easy way to do it...

You have to manually expand all comments for all answers and then search by user name (visible in the question list as last update)...

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Thanks Vadim,

Is that something that will eventually be added? Or is it just impossible? As a workaround, can we get an RSS feed for a particular Tag?


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"Is that something that will eventually be added?" - nothing changed after one year of the new platform.

RSS is possible with blogs... not sure about Q&A

Active Contributor
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Yes, I use the RSS on blogs. Thanks for your help!