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How to delete or edit a thread ?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear all

I wanted to  edit or delete the thread?




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Active Contributor
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Where and which information need to edit?

You need to provide the thread and information which need to edit.

So that we can alert moderator to help you.

As thread owner you can't alert moderator.

To delete/remove/hide thread need the proper reasons.


Former Member
0 Kudos

I doubt whether you can delete a thread once a reply is posted. please refer the below thread

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello sir

Actually  i came to know it can be deleted by moderators. But i dont know  how to contact them.

One thing if i will deactivate my account , did all threads will be deleted or not?




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Karan,

If you want to delete/edit  thread, you can always reach to moderators by pressing "Alert Moderator" option t right hand side.

Justify your point with valid reasons.

I am sure moderator will help you on this m



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

If a thread gets a reply, then you can able to edit or delete the thread.

You have to press alert moderator with a reply of the thread.

As you are the thread owner, you can able to see the alert moderator for your own thread.

You can see the alert moderator for every reply, just take a reply ans press alert moderator

Like as for this thread Rahul has given first reply.

Just press as below

Then write your additional comment why you want to delete the thread.

Space moderator will verify your reason and thread, If he decide to approve your proposal, then he will reject the thread.

And No, threads will be not deleted from your profile if you want to deactivate your profile.

You may contact to SCN in this mail ID for more details SCN technical support. (

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Dev

Thanks for your kind reply.

