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How many times My post will be Rejected, Is it 1 to n or 1 time.

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I am Not a New to sap.scn ..Since 2012 On words , i am using sap.scn

But Due to Some reasons i was login through new login id.

Few days before i was raised one quesiton,Regarding out output types  in one of the forum.

Not able to add Message Output type at Purchase order Me22n

Actually, i was forgotton where i was posted ,I mean in which forum. Bcz I  am using always abap Technical Forum.

After that Moderator is rejected because of Some reasons.

Again again also I am getting the message an popup's in Action Tab.

Please Have a look on Below Images.

May be i think till now 4 times My post was rejected. After posted, I never updated any thing about my quesiton.

(I think i can't able to update or view once  the post is rejected).

I am asking some quesitons.

1) Is it Technical Issue or bug

2) How many times the post will be rejected. 1 or 1 to n times.

If u ask why i am raising this questions, Means I hope if i violate the ruels n Engagement,  n number of times My Account will be rejected. I am gettign the fear ,That's waht i am asking to the Concern person.

Please correct me also If any thing is wrong From My side..

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Answers (2)

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If you are saying that the same post has been rejected more than once, then yes, that can happen. I'm fairly sure I've seen exactly the same post in the moderation queue. The only way to clear it is to reject it again. This is a bug.

However, there's no need to be concerned. While ignoring moderator instruction can lead to suspension, we tend to talk to people about it first and do proper investigation, rather than just opting for summary "execution"!

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Hi, Matthew Thanks for your Reply...

I need This type of clarification. I am not poiting to any one who has done.

But i want to Why... Why my content was rejected multiple times.

I know if the person  post is rejected, Definately he will be suspend from the forum.

The person should have limitations (Chances to Suspension).

If my post is rejected Continuously , Definatly Some body will be block my profile.

In that point i am getting worried. Finally u said this is kind of bug.

Ok Thanks for your reply..

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I know if the person  post is rejected, Definately he will be suspend from the forum.

No. If a post is rejected, the post is rejected. The aim is to educate people into making acceptable posts.

There is no limit to the number of rejections as such but, if every post (or nearly every post) someone makes is rejected, then they're not learning, they're just causing work for the moderators, and they're ultimately harming the site. In those instances, they might eventually be warned directly to modify their behaviour, before being suspended. We're not infinitely patient.

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a) it is a very basic question as the IMG docu already explains what has to be done

b) it is was frequently asked and answered in SCN and you have to search before asking

c) I found it in  wrong forum (SD) but this clearly belongs to MM and I alerted the moderator for that

d) I will certainly reject it in MM if it is re-posted again  for reason a and b from above

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Jurgen Yes, I Searched in forum Before posting.

I am completely Not satisfy with your answer.

I am asking, almost 4 times my post was rejected , that quesion i am asking..

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What does it mean if you already asked 4 times and got it rejected 4 times?

As I can't see it in your history - moderators can only see the rejected history of their moderation space-  it was probably 4 times posted in the wrong space.

Don't you really wonder why it is rejected? I mean you said you just reposted it unchanged - what else than another rejection could you expect from that?

Do you hope moderators get bored and will finally accept it?

Wouldn't it be the better approach to re-think about the post, maybe investing some time to find out why it was rejected. Moderators often give notes to that, I saw the note for the last rejection in the copy I get for the alert, did you?   Click the Action icon on top right, go to your Notification tab and review it.

If you really want that your question will stay then show about the effort you took to get a solution, show from your question that you had read tens of existing discussions*, that you had tried all the given solutions, explain the issue much better than it was.

(* I do not mean that you post "I have searched", I mean the content of the question shall give the impression that you understood the basics, which could for example be a listing of all the customizing and master data steps for message determination)