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Hitachi nerves

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Whenever I move my mouse by chance over this Hitachi advertising , then it sends the discussion into the off on the left site of the browser.

this happened certainly 20 times to me yesterday and today, and you always have to close this extra window manually.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I noticed this yesterday and have reported it to the team that manages the adds.  I expect an answer Tuesday (Sep 17).

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi - The banner add or at least the intrusive elements of it have been removed overnight. Let me know if you still see it (I don't).

The behavior of the banner was changed: instead of a mouse over, you must now click the banner to open the panel.


Message was edited by: Jason Lax

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Thanks Jason!

Answers (5)

Answers (5)

Active Contributor
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Hi Juergen,

Thanks to you (and others) for confirming that 'It's not just me'. 

Not everyone has the choice of which browser or plugins can be installed (particularly on work machines). 

Until someone from SCN support replies and let's us know this annoying thing will be removed, I have to try to keep my mouse on the left side - just so I accidentally don't popup the ad.  Oh rats, now the ad will be moved over to the left 😉


Active Contributor
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Hi Susan,

I thought the same for my Customers Laptop. But guess what? I've just tried to install Chrome and it worked 🙂

The simple reason is that Chrome will be installed in the users directory and not under "Program Files" (not the fine English kind of installation process, but I think they made it exactly because of these company restrictions...)

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This is such an annoying issue and thanks to this post I just put 2 and 2 together and realized what was causing the popup. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out what was triggering the popup. I’ve been dealing with this annoying popup the last couple of days so finally I decided to search for Hitachi on this site to see if anyone else was annoyed by it.

To address this issue I added the urls of the ad/popup (1 was listed above) to my host file.

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am also facing the same error   am using google chrome

Any solution to block that extra window .

Former Member
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SCN is mostly flash free.

This annoying ad is flash based.

In Firefox or Chrome, it is possible to activate "click to play" feature which stops flash animations to load/run automatically.

Once the "click to play" is activated, you would see an icon instead of fully loaded animation. This prevents the mouse hover issue as animation is not yet loaded. Use internet search for further information/steps.

Active Contributor
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If you are using Chrome just install "Addblock Plus" and SCN will be addfree.

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Thank you Uwe Fetzer

After installing 'addblock plus' , Hitachi gone

Active Contributor
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Thanks, I have no problem in my private environment, as I am using Chrome and Adblocker

But we have no authority to change settings or install anything on the company PCs , still we have to use IE8.

I usually do not even recognize any advertising on a web page because I am focussed on the content, but in this special case I have to recognize it to either place the mouse in a secure area when scrolling  or I have to close this add manually.

Former Member
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The ad says "roll over to expand", but it doesn't say how to compress

I had to scroll up to find the close button.

Interestingly, the banner ad flash file is named Hitachi Sidekick.

The kick is certainly strong as the discussion stays on left side, as if crying out for help.

0 Kudos

well if you are using chrome, you can install the add on adblock plus and right click this ad and block. but there s a chance you might miss something interesting.