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Highly disappointed and demotivated with Moderator's Act

Active Contributor
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Today Morning, I have got a notification on Moderator rejection of one of my motivational blog. For your reference :--

I was really shocked to see my blog got rejected after almost 2 years. I am not sure whether a moderator has gone through my blog completely along with fellow SCNer's comments. They have all expressed that they are motivated with my blog. In what way, my blog is ruining SCN culture and standards??

I see lot of general blogs in SCN. What is so wrong in my blog to get rejected?

It's pricking me now very badly. Can any one explain me???



Accepted Solutions (1)

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Community Manager
Community Manager
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Thank you for sharing this.

I apologize for this experience. Your blog was released and I made the needed alignment that this won't happen again.



Active Contributor
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See, all easily fixed. No need to be "demotivated" "disappointed" or even "shocked".

Just as a thought, why not make a polite enquiry when something untoward happens, instead of reacting with such emotion? I mean, a blog pulled is hardly going to alter the orbit of the earth?

Active Contributor
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Hi Moshe Naveh ,

I would like to thank you for considering my request and releasing the blog . I appreciate your timely action.

@ Matthew Billingham ,

If I hadn't brought this concern today, my blog would have been hidden forever. Hope you are aware that we cannot control our emotions in certain events/incidents. I have asked Moderators, why it has been hidden.



Former Member
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That reminds me of the way Horst asked.

Active Contributor
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I'm absolutely not questioning you raising your concern. That was entirely appropriate and proper.

What I object to is the  language you used to raise your isue, where a courteous polite approach would probably have served you better. It would certainly reflect better on you personally.

If you're in the grip of powerful emotions, then that is probably the time to step away from the keyboard, go outside, consider the complexity of human existance and take a deep breath of perspective.

Active Contributor
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Indeed. A courteous, professional attitude.

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This message was moderated.

Active Contributor
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Thanks for the suggestion!!

I have expressed frankly from the heart.

Active Contributor
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Right, and the reason I'm raising it with you is that it doesn't look very professional, and may not reflect on you very well. You never know when an a prospective employer may be reading your messages.

Community Manager
Community Manager
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Dear Members,

I must admit that I'm also emotional about my blog posts. Each time I post a blog I think what would I write about, how and sometimes I invest a lot of time thinking about it. After a blog post is published I follow it and enjoy to read the comments. I would also get emotional if after two years it would suddently get rejected.

We are not all the same and that is what is nice about our community. Manish's example is not identical as there it was a bug and here it was a moderation decision.

Thank you all for your feedback,


Active Contributor
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if those certain events/incidents are like for example earthquakes , and some real world issue which is causing disaster and not a blog getting rejected .

This is your point of view. You cannot impose your thinking on others, I believe. Hope you understand, what I mean.

My blog is precious for me, if not for you. That too it is a motivational kind, but not technical.



Former Member
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Active Contributor
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That's ok. It's called hyberbole - exaggeration for dramatic effect. Like "I've told you a million times".

Active Contributor
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Former Member
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And in the introduction you said , it's been 2 years .

Actual text is:

after almost 2 years

Almost word is key here, considering that the date is visible now and it was not visible when content was rejected and this post was written.

Community Manager
Community Manager
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I think this discussion reached a point where it will not add any value to SCN.

I'm locking it.

Please remember to be supportive of each other. This is what SCN is all about.



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