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get list of most viewed threads in a particular forum

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0 Kudos


is it possible to see the list of most viewed threads in a particular forum.

when we see the forum threads list, we see columns like "replies" and "views". if its possible by sorting by views, i think we could see the list.

is there any other way to see such most viewed i.e. most popular threads.



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Former Member
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I had been looking for this as well, but there is no such thing available in the sort nor the search.

Number of views after a period of time can sometimes be very usefull to find informative threads than, more so than what the ponits system is as they don't change. Ponits assigned are the current sort order in the search result.

What you can do it use the &start=50 , 100 , etc... parameter to locate the position of the thread or, similar to counting cards at poker, you can go through all of them and memorize the location of the ace



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And if I may ask, why would you want that, Madhu?

Active Participant
0 Kudos

>Zubin Shah wrote

>>And if I may ask, why would you want that, Madhu?

it may be useful from information usage point of view.

the most viewed threads could be a source of getting essential information quickly, before posting a similar issue that has been possibly already solved.

in some cases, it will also work as a part of tutorial, when new-users browse the most popular issues.

this thing i thought of from the defect-prevention concepts from our software-application-maintenance team.

its generally makes sense to have a look on the already existing defects/mistakes(and their resolutions). so in theory, new-users will be left with commitining only newer mistakes.

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I understood the concept well and appreciate it.

But as per my short experience, I have seen that the threads with the most views mostly turn out to be "not replied at all". People think they can answer it, they open it, they find it difficult and they get out of it. This does nothing but adds a "view" count. (and not a 'reply' count)

Also, many, if not all, long threads with most replies have ended up been un-answered or just added upon with more questions from different users who feel lazy to ask a new question by posting their own new threads.

So all I'm saying is that the sort function, even if built, is not the right key to what you call "tutorial for new users"

> the most viewed threads could be a source of getting essential information quickly, before posting a similar issue that has been possibly already solved.

Make it simple - Search



Former Member
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>so in theory, new-users will be left with commitining only newer mistakes.

The theory will definitely fail if you take some of the ABAP General forum's Users into account

Seriously such a option if added could be quite useful in identifying the popular threads.
