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Filter possible for Q & A?

Active Participant


is it possible to have a filter for special areas like it was in the old SCN? E.g. if I have no experience with HANA I would like not to read HANA questions because I can not help in this field.


And this tag stuff is annoying. How can I find a tag related to this forum?

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Participant
0 Kudos


I found a workaround for myself:

I found in community the "areas" e.g. something like "Security". So I bookmarked my areas of interest in my browser. The areas have also a questions section.

So that is working for me.

Answers (5)

Answers (5)

Active Contributor
Active Contributor

Hi Jan & Raf

Did you read through the documentation / tips & tricks for the new community network? If not, might be worthwhile:

I guess we all will need to get used to it, I haven't yet experienced it fully fledged either so it will also be new for me. Curious to see how it will turn out. From what I've read so far, the idea is that you search for questions and that's already your filter right there so search for HANA in the questions & answers should give you content relevant to the topic of HANA.

Best regards


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Unfortunately SAP Search is equally useless without this kind of filter.

Active Contributor

I think it's too early to make such statements. I prefer to wait and see what the new platform gives and at least give it a try now that the whole community is unleashed onto the platform. At the moment, there isn't enough content yet, most searches end up in the archived content. I'm trying to look at this from beginners mind.

Active Contributor

That's very nice if you have plenty of time, but I generally don't... and whenever I did have some free time, I checked the forums which I knew I could be of any help. Maybe in the future I'll have time to read through all that and be of help again.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

It will probably / hopefully get better as the new platform is developed further.

Active Contributor

And it's also not helpful that the search appears to be sorted oldest first. That also makes it difficult to find new questions. If you click on "Unanswered", it filters out everything with an answer, but on SCN I many times found that the first answer on a question was another question or was wrong, so that's not a useful filter to me.

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0 Kudos

I've been trying since Tuesday to find the new or unanswered "Questions" related to HCM, Time or Payroll, and my results are usually only of archived items, and most of them very old.



I used to see dozens of queries posted daily in HCM, although many of them were posted by people who had not searched for an answer, and some were posted by "consultants" who were asking for step-by-step configuration guides or detailed Personnel Calculation Rules. Now my searches do not seem to find anything recent related to my field of expersise, not even the "Question" I posted earlier in the week.

I know that the "old" scn is dead, but I hope that this new SAP Community sets-up some filter options quickly before it dies from too many frustrated contributors.

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Apparently it is possible to navigate directly to a questions & answers page of a primary tag once you know the URL.

Not exactly a filter just yet but it can be a workaround for the time being:

Best regards


Community Manager
Community Manager
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As Johan mentioned, please post any feedback to our idea place session:



Active Contributor

Having more filter options was already posted as a feedback more than once in the old SCN Open Beta space, but it did not materialize in getting such functionality.

Do we actually need to go through all our archived discussions in the old space and re-post them as ideas?

If yes, how these will be prioritized - on number of up-votes or it will be something else? Previously it was not very clear to outsiders based on what criteria feature requests were considered important/critical/high priority and what not.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I have the same "problem"...