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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Just realized that I never transferred my blog post over here.

There are some issues that I do not see in the issue list and that I do not think have been resolved. These are outlined in more detail on the linked blog:

Images and media:

  • As Juergen L mentioned, not being able to paste in an image is kind of a pain.
  • The “Add Media” button is strange. Shouldn’t that be in the button bar along with the rest of the buttons?
  • Uploading images doesn't work (Dropbox URL is a workaround, but not good)
  • It looks like there are several images already in the media library. Am I able to see other people’s uploaded images here? That would be bad.

General editing:

  • “Distraction free writing” mode is heavily advertised, but IMO is kind of strange as implemented. All it does it fade out the stuff around the text input area, but it leaves the text input area as-is. So now I’ve just got a bunch of blank space around a little text box containing the blog I am writing. Why not expand to use the space? Not a big deal to me as I am not really a believer in “distraction free interfaces” (despite having purchases probably 5 applications that cater to this market, none of which I use).
  • One of the options in the toolbar is “Insert Read More Tag”. What does this do? Normally I would think it would be used by publishers to indicate summary vs. “read more”. But I can actually insert more than one. And it doesn’t seem to do anything in “Preview” mode.
  • Should preview the blog even if I haven’t defined a primary tag
  • Can’t save a draft without a primary tag. (If it’s really going to be required to have a primary tag before saving a draft or previewing, then don’t even let me start typing without first specifying a primary tag.)
  • Is my draft is being auto-saved before I have a primary tag defined. Hopefully it is. Confirm?


  • There are no tag matches for “SCN” or “community” or “blog”, etc.
  • Common SAP acronyms should match their product tags. Even if they are less than 3 characters! BW should match the same topics as “Business Warehouse” for example.
  • Tag search needs to normalize between acronyms and product names: “SCM” matches the HANA version of Supply Chain Management, but not the non-HANA version. “Supply Chain Management” matches the non-HANA versions but not the HANA versions.
  • “HANA” matches a ton of stuff, but it seems to be sorted alphabetically. I scrolled down what felt like a hundred possible tags and still had not found just vanilla HANA.
  • Once I add a primary tag, the error for “Primary tag for blog post should be defined” doesn’t go away. (It came up when I tried to preview without a primary tag, I think.)

General flakiness:

Now for some reason after I clicked “Preview” I can no longer either preview, save draft, or publish. Also looks like it is no longer auto-saving 😕

Ok, I went back to Posts and found my draft and indeed changes after the buttons got grey-ed out no longer got saved. Fortunately there were very many.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

Hi Ethan,

Thank you for your feedback!

There was running some testing relying on it and some of the results may answer your questions. Please, see the results below:

Media Files:

  • Uploading images works fine for me in IE, FF and Chrome connecting both via SAP and Public Network. Do you work on Mac? That's could probably be a reason for image uploading failure as for Windows7 OS it's not reproducible.
  • To make the text wrap around the image, one should switch on the image alignment to "Align right" or "Align left", for "Align center" and "No alignment" text wrapping doesn’t work.
    By default it is set to "No alignment" so you have to configure it manually.
    How to reach these options: on edit post page click on the inserted image and a menu with types of alignment appears.
  • No restrictions for Media library content – so far it appears to be like a global container. Everyone can see each other’s media files content. That is supposed to be fixed in our next sprints.
  • Besides, we identified the issue with previously uploaded media files that appear corrupted in the library and in the content after each new deployment - SOC-1378

Read More tag:

  • Regarding "Insert Read More Tag" in the text editor, it supposes to wrap long posts and the user adds this tag manually. We get implemented "Read More »" tag automatically to truncate the posts that exceed 255 symbols. There is a ticket for hiding this option in the text editor is created -- SOC-1574


  • Preview doesn’t work until all the required fields are filled in despite the button is active. The same we have for Publish button that becomes active before the mandatory fields inserted -- the dedicated tickets are SOC-982, SOC-1575


  • The first draft is automatically being saved within 10 seconds as soon as the "Title" is filled in and at least 5 words are added to the post body (minimum required)
    On attempt to save the draft manually by clicking on [Save] button the system note on missing primary tag pop-ups.
    Actually, we have the same on When clicking  on [Save] with empty content body it says "Blog posts cannot be empty. Please type your post and try again." Seems to be expected.

Best Regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Vera,

I now can't recreate the image upload issue in either Chrome or Firefox. Yes, this was on a Mac, but whatever the problem was seems to have resolved itself.

Thanks for your feedback on the other issues. As long as the auto-save is happening even without a primary tag, I'm not too concerned. There did seem to be some flakiness around the workflow of attempting to save without a primary tag and then the whole editor seeming to go into a state where you can't save at all, so it would be good if that was tested thoroughly.

I'll try to do another test this week 🙂 Any update on the Q&A site? I'm really looking forward to test that 🙂


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Ethan,

Images and media: we are working on rebuilding image uploading, remove the gallery and make it look better. C&P though doesn't work in Jive either. We'll see if we can make it work.

General editing: couple of good items in here. I'll create some tickets.

Tags: this is not the final taxo yet. I think it is being worked on to get community tags in. general tag picking experience will take time to get it right. I hear you.

can you try to reproduce Ethan's issues?