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Error Message AM057 while deleting contact person in customer master

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Recently, our company consolidated the SAP platforms for two regions and it is single instance now. The data is migrated to the new system by SLO. After this we are facing an issue while deleting the contact person in customer master. When we select the contact person and delete, we get a message saying "Specify a valid person use (PERSON_REFERENCE)". When we press enter, another entry (above the intended entry) gets deleted.

The performance assistant shows nothing but message no. AM057.

Based on the couple of OSS notes I have searched, I checked the table ADRVP entries and found two entries for that contact person. Both entries have the client number appearing in the field APPL_KEY.

The first record is having old client number and the second record is having the new client number. I presume, we are seeing two records because the data was migrated by SLO. But what is confusing is, both are having same and marked as X for Owner (Flag: Adress owner object reference).

Data in table ADRVP looks as under.

Cl.     Person            Seq. No.      Table      Field           Application table key      pers.addr. Key      Addr. no.            Owner

300   0200591046          1            KNVK     PRSNR      2000000093060             BP                         0200026699       X
300   0200591046   45333695     KNVK     PRSNR      3000007093060             BP                         0200026699       X

Can there be more than one entry with same addr. no. in table ADRVP for the same person number? Can someone share what is wrong with deleting the contact person in customer master?



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Balaji Srinivasan wrote:

Based on the couple of OSS notes I have searched,

You should share the OSS note which you got from market place.

Have you checked this note Note 445825 - Error message AM057 when deleting a contact person ?

It has the reason and solution.

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Yes indeed. This talks about the application key field (table ADRVP) not having the client number and also SAP Basis Release 6.20.

Our system is already in SAP Basis Release 7.30 and the field APPL_KEY in table ADRVP is having the client number specified. Still getting the error message as stated above.