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Email from SAP for SCN account inactivity

Active Contributor
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Hello there,

I just received an email from with the subject "Important SAP Community Account Confirmation".

There is this part: "Please respond only to the email for the account you want to keep."

So I'm a little nervous now, that I landed in the inactive list to get this email and you maybe have an automated cleaning job running sometime soon, that will wipe me of SCN. ^^

I don't care about the mail, but I don't want to be deleted, please. I'll even try to be more active, I promise.



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hello again,

I got an answer from the Support Group and after some back and forth I got the information, that I have indeed two s-user IDs with the same email-address. Where the second one comes from, noone can say, because in our OSS list of users that one doesn't exist. Not with my name nor any other.

But at least the confusion concerning the email is done, because I got the mail (probably) for the second ID, that is of course inactive, because I didn't even know it existed. ^^

So this thread is solved (for me).

& : You two could check with, too. So you know what's going on. ^^ Maybe you have a ghost-ID yourselves, too.

Thank you, Jason, for your help in this! Much appreciated as always. And the feedback from the others as well. Thank you, guys!


(a relieved) Steffi.

Former Member
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Thanks Steffi.

I know I DO have another ID that has the same email address, as when the new SCN launched I was trying to get the two of them merged but couldn't.  I'm assuming it is that ID that has generated this email so I shall ignore it.

If I suddenly disappear from here, you'll know why


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Thanks for sharing the feedback.

Answers (6)

Answers (6)

0 Kudos

Thanks for jumping in Jason and letting everyone know this is indeed legit. In fact its another part of Project Ignite which I'll update about in a blog this week to reach out to members who have been less active.

Today only unique emails are allowed in SCN but this was not always the case and its best to reach out to support to verify and take action. Please feel free to email me directly if any issues are encountered.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Gali,

thank you for clarification.

I just wonder, if my active account is influenced, when the other one is deleted ( I guess, that is what you will do in the end, right?), because they share the same information like email address and phone number etc.



0 Kudos

Hi Steffi,

The active account will not be influenced however I hope that it will not need to be deactivated in any case but rather that we'll (cross fingers) have the ability to merge accounts and that will be done instead.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Oh, right. That's another way. I forgot about that one.

Okay, I'll keep my fingers crossed, too. ^^

Active Contributor
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I received one too, for another account I created rather accidentally, a few years ago. This is likely to happen, if you go through several S-Users over the years (I had about 20 by now). I'll stick with my one and only P-User account.

Doublecheck the address that this email was sent to, it should be different from the one of your active account, I guess.


Active Contributor
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That's the problem. I only have one account and got the email for that one account. I really don't know of other accounts for me or my email.

@Jason: Is there a possibility to check for other accounts with my email-address? Maybe I created one by mistake with the same address (although I don't know when and how)? But I can login with the emailaddress, I got the inactivity email for, and land in this account.

So that's why I'm confused.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I didn't see any duplicates but there might be another system where records are kept.  It would be best to e-mail if you have any doubts.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Jason,

I did just that. Thank you for your help.

I'll update the thread, if I get an answer for this. Could be interesting for the others, too.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

This is a legitimate e-mail sent from SCN.

SCN is currently in the process of reaching out to accounts that have not been active in order to update the records.

If you have multiple SCN accounts, an email will be sent to you for each of the corresponding accounts. Please respond only to the email for the account you want to keep. If you have important content in multiple accounts, respond to emails of all accounts that you want to remain active. We don't have the capability to merge accounts at this time.

Just respond on the e-mail for the account(s) you want to keep.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I had one this morning and I found it in the SPAM box.

Looks like that's where it belongs



Former Member
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I've had one of these too.  Not sure why or what is going on, as obviously I have logged in recently...

Former Member
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Dear SCN,

Please, please , PLEASE don't delete Gareth...

(No, I'm not going to do this for everyone that has had one of these emails )

Former Member
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Could be a long night for you Steve

Active Contributor
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Well, at least I'm not alone in this. ^^

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear SCN,

Please, please, PLEASE don't delete Steffi...