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Content tagged page - missing information, no sorting

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I was planning to use content tagged page as my entry point in the new SCN - this is the closest you can get to the old space concept, unfortunately it lacks essential information:

There is no way to tell if a question has been answered, no view count, no number of replies as in the answers page.

Unless you use the filter on the left, there is no clear distinction between blogs and questions (I prefer not to use the filter, because of the loading times- the alternative is hovering over each link, which is impractical):

There is no view count, number of comments for blogs either, but we don't have this even in, probably was not considered to be shown in the first place.

In case this additional information is added for questions and blogs on filtered by tag pages, can you please make the page just a bit wider or move the view count to the left? Now it does not fit well on answers page: it is displayed in two lines, and I have seen questions in the current SCN with 10000+ views and there are blogs with 100+ comments.


I tried to apply sorting by typing in the URL (&Sort=UPDATED_TIMESTAMP:desc; &Sort=CREATED_TIMESTAMP:desc).

It appears as if this is partially working, or at least it does something.

I think, I did not manage to guess the correct parameter name for creation date/time sorting. What is it?

Now I need a txt file to remember what to type in the url on which page to achieve a specific result. Things are additionally complicated, because the naming conventions for parameters on different kinds of pages may vary (for example on Answers page it is sort=active; sort=newest, but in the topic page it is with timestamp).

Can we have this in a menu, please? Also with the asc options for created and updated?

If there is no time to add this, can we get a blog, which lists what parameters (which can be used in the url) are available for which page and what values are accepted? This includes also


It can be fun to figure out how things work and find solutions, but not every site visitor will feel the same.

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Answers (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Thanks for providing your insight into your intended entry point for SCN!