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Concern about discussion thread

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Dear  Moderators,

My  discussion threads is being deleted from This is unethical practice with SAP aspirants. I have never expected this behaviour . This is happening with me for last 4-5 days.  Could you pls help with reason:-



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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I have a 5 year old and my husband always reprimands me for helping him with basic tasks like dressing himself, etc. Even though it feels harsh, I have to agree that if I always keep helping then our kid will never learn to do anything himself. So look at it as the SCN equivalent of the same. Learn to help yourself.

It sucks when your post gets rejected, I get it. But take it as a learning experience and move on. Rules are rules and they apply to anyone. Continuing the same behavior and expecting some special treatment for "aspirants" will get you nowhere on SCN or in real life, for that matter. It'd just make you a "roadblock" on your own road.

Answers (5)

Answers (5)

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Well, now when I cannot see those threads (as they are already removed) I don't know what they were all about but reasons were properly explained in this thread only.

I don't know Basis functionality but following are fewer examples for you to refer and understand the similar situation across different spaces/modules.

Seems your content was rejected for the reason 'Failed to search' and again I'd like to say if you had searched again to find out the reason behind your rejected content, you'd have found those discussions and not post this thread !


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Your questions were very basic.

1 - Why do SAP recommends to configure PRD or QAS as domain controller

2 - Half loaded truck icon is missing in STMS

If you look at the questions you have asked in the past it confirms that you ask questions that can be answered by searching or by attending the right SAP training.


Former Member
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Dear  Moderators/Reagan/Juan.

Very disappointed to read your comments. What all I can say is roadblock for SAP aspirants .  I have been with SCN portal since I started my SAP career and never put any foul language/wrong information.

1) Half loaded truck icon is missing in STMS--> Specific Answer for this query is nowhere on SCN

2) Manipulate .str file in system copy--> Did I ask anything wrong. Explainition of .tsk file was there not .str.

Request you, pls restore my threads atleast-> "Manipulate .str file in system copy", But if you find these wrong, I respect your decision.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Sumit (taking your name according to your Id)

Have you read the SCN Rules of Engagement?

SCN is a professional community with most content and assistance provided by volunteers. Juniors/freshers are always welcome and at some point we are all junior/new to a new product or area of SAP. However, there is an expectation as members of a professional community that you perform search and have received training to avoid basic questions.

I am not from a Basis background and also cannot see your questions so responding based on what was said in this thread, however in your research before posting did you check you training material, sap application help,, marketplace and SCN?

If you believe your question is not basic and has a place in SCN did you take the time and effort to post as much information and context such as what the error is, steps to reproduce, efforts to rectify yourself, etc?

SCN has the rule of search before you post to avoid duplicate content. Duplication makes searching for answers difficult and also creates too much noise that drowns out quality content.

Also with SCN, you may not get an explicit set of steps for your answers. However, there might be a similar issue to yours that points you in the right direction to resolve it yourself (as a technical person analysis skills are essential).

What all I can say is roadblock for SAP aspirants 

Perhaps you should think of it this way - where would you be if SCN did not exist at all? A lot of us started working in SAP before SCN was around. There's even knowledgeable people out here who worked on SAP before you could Google for the answer.

SAP aspirants are supported on this community so long as they support the community too by adhering to the rules.

Good luck in your SAP career and learnings



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Colleen Lee wrote:

There's even ... people out here who worked on SAP before you could Google for the answer.

Yep. In the 30D days, I had to rely on asking my colleagues or working things out for myself!

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It was in 1997 when I started with SAP, at that time the PC had about 64 MB RAM, a Hard disk of 1GB, and the Internet was pretty empty, and not at all available on my companies PC. SDN was 6 years away. Amazing for the youngsters. How is it possible to implement SAP without SCN as backbone? Where had you searched for information?

You won't believe it, but we had a social network. We chatted in the coffee corner and on the terrace outside while cooling down the heads. We knew our colleagues, we met physically, we talked to each other. And if the colleague had no answer, then he knew someone to call. But all this was time consuming,

hence it was not the first choice. The first choice was to help yourself by reading the docu and F1 field help

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So true! I started working with SAP in 1997 as well. We were just starting to get Internet access at my company then, and as Colleen says, there was no Google (I think Yahoo was the main search engine then). Our support connection to SAP was over a dedicated ISDN/Frame Relay line (I had to remind myself of the acronym, as that is so obsolete now -- I almost wrote ISBN, but that's about books). As Matthew B and Jurgen say, we learned by doing, by reading, by attending training, and by calling colleagues/consultants we had worked with on the phone. I shudder to think about the many mistakes I made in those days, but we muddled through.

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Your discussion were removed because no research was done before posting. Those questions could have been resolved by a simple search.

Please read

Regards, Juan

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Seems like your thread not yet been removed.

But waiting for moderation. After the moderation you may get notifications under Action tab at right side top of this page.

You might be asked basic questions or already discussed questions. So that's why experts might be used alert moderation and threads are not authorized to access.

please go thru below blog.

if you go thru above blog you will know the basic reasons to reject a discussion.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Did you not get a notification about the same? (At the top right.. under Actions)