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[BUG] Wrong missions calculation (Solver, Etc)

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For missions counting accepted or upvoted answers the counter will increase with accept/upvote but don't decrease with unaccept/downvote! As a result it's possible to get badge after multiple accept/unaccept ot upvote/downvote for a single answer. And I can see activity like this.

Same user (name hidden by me). May be he is increasing counter for Voter mission 🙂

Downvote/unaccept has to decrease mission counter to prevent cheating!

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

The issue with missions counters is solved.

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Community Administrator
Community Administrator

Hi Vadim, mission progress should not happen in this scenario, we are looking into it.

In cases where you suspect gaming, please continue to bring to our attention. Where the system cannot prevent progress, we investigate and take action behind the scenes. I appreciate your discretion and will look into this case.

Active Contributor
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"mission progress should not happen in this scenario, we are looking into it." - unfortunately it happened! I have confirmation based on my profile!

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Still not solved! After receiving "Diligent Solver October 2019" badge I have checked calculations: For this badge we need 25 upvoted or accepted answers. My result at the moment when I received this badge was only 22!

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Hey Vadim,

I believe such cheating would end up badly.


Active Contributor
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The existing calculation logic is provocating behavior like this...

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What to say, I believe in people 🙂

And cheaters gonna cheat.

Active Contributor
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Loopholes are always exploited here and elsewhere. As long as companies continue to include SC participation in performance evaluations, then this kind of behavior will continue. I have seen it going on since 2007 when I first started here.

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This loophole is so obvious... I found it looking on my "Diligent Solver ..." counter. Unexpected increase in one day! Then I look on Karma Credits statistics and found the reason.

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Hi Mike. I agree that it can be exploited, but should it be?

Active Contributor
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"I agree that it can be exploited, but should it be?" - in the real life it will be exploited, and actually it is exploited.

When I analyzed my Karma credit history I found number of users performing activity like this. For sure I am talking only about my answers, the issue in general has to be investigated by Community admins.

Active Contributor

Should it be exploited? Silly question... It will be exploited. Period, end of story.

Should taxpayers take advantage of tax code loopholes? (Another example of a silly question. I know I do whenever I can.)

The fix is closing the loopholes in the code. Wonder how long that will take to be accomplished?

Active Contributor
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Kirill, by the way do you think it's not necessary to fix this bug?

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It's mandatory to fix any bugs that affect user experience of the product/software. Unfortunately, looks like this particular one was intentional.

Active Contributor
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Strange "intention" 🙂