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[BUG] Q&A - Karma credits not added?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Last Friday morning my karma credits were at 986.

According to email notifications:

  1. Friday at 12:24 (GMT+2 Helsinki) one of my answers was accepted, and the score was 996, as expected.
  2. Friday at 15:49 (GMT+2 Helsinki) one of my answers was accepted, but the score remained at 996
  3. Friday at 15:50 (GMT+2 Helsinki) one of my answers was accepted, but the score remained at 996.

Either this is bug, or at the same day two other answers were unaccepted, or I am just confused.

In case this is a bug, please fix it.

In the other two cases, please get the karma credit break down up and running.

Accepted Solutions (0)

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Community Administrator
Community Administrator

Sorry for the confusion, without the fully functioning log I know it can be difficult to get understand the karma credit ups and downs. From the activity log, I can confirm the following (report time stamp):

2017-11-24 Accept: Switch from non-Perpetual to Perpetual System

2017-11-24 Accept: replacing SQL parameters by [%] in sbo

2017-11-24 Accept: common table expression and table valued function

2017-11-25 Cancel Accept: replacing SQL parameters by [%] in sbo

2017-11-25 Cancel Accept: common table expression and table valued function

2017-11-27 Accept: How to display two decimal numbers in SAP B1 SDK?

So it's not a bug, just a confusing sequence of actions.

We have work underway presently to improve the karma credit configurations, and subsequently improve the karma credit log for moderators. Then we plan to release a member view of the log to provide the transparency that will help in these situations. I know it's been a long time coming 😞

Active Contributor

Hi Caroleigh,

In the mean time it might also help to include these 'Cancel accept' events on the notifications page.



Community Administrator
Community Administrator

Good idea, I shared with sajid.amir4 for consideration.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Caroleigh,

The OP says that he did not unaccept my answers.

Can your report show time stamps as well? Is it possible that he double clicked the 'Accept' link? In that case the accept and unaccept events should have the same time stamp, and it may be good to build in a mechanism to ignore a second click within a second or so.



Active Contributor

It is very likely that it was removed unintentionally. I see that quite often for my answers too, as well as I see multiple entries for upvoting for the same answer in my activities, which just means it must have been removed before it could have been upvoted again.

I realized it several times myself that the reaction of the system is much slower than expected. You click upvote, nothing seem to happen, you click again and remove herewith the previous upvote, which was not yet seen that it happened

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

That would be the same sort of problem as a double click, except with a longer possible interim. The developers will have to think about this.

Community Administrator
Community Administrator
0 Kudos

We do have the time stamp which I just double checked; both of the cancel accepts happened about 7.5 hours after the original accept. That is quite a lag, but I think Jürgen is right, that it was removed unintentionally. I just experienced something similar, where I clicked to like a comment, but 'Liked' was not shown, even after waiting several seconds. I reloaded the page and saw the 'Liked.' In your case, perhaps he left the browser open, came back and didn't see the 'Accepted' so he clicked again.

Let's call moshe.naveh2 to make sure he is aware of this issue; it's intermittent, at least for me, so it may be hard to replicate. In the meantime, I will get in touch with Dov to ask him to try again and take screens shots if it is again not displaying "Accepted' as expected (say that 6 times fast:) so we can share.

Community Advocate
Community Advocate
0 Kudos

We've reported your observations to IT and are going to create a bug ticket for it. Thanks!

Active Contributor

You may call a moderator - moderator is able to view point history.