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[BUG] Copy pasted image shows in editor but is not saved upon posting

Active Contributor

Reported more than 3 years ago, and still not working. Hello! McFly!

Have to say, it is annoying to no end that instead of:

  1. Make screenshot
  2. Copy
  3. ALT-TAB to browser
  4. Paste

you have to:

  1. Make screenshot.
  2. Open Save File Dialog.
  3. Select folder to save the file to ("Not to my Pictures folder, because I only need this image this once, where shall I put it?").
  4. Name the file ("Let's see, something descriptive...hmmm").
  5. ALT-TAB to browser.
  6. Open Insert Image Dialog ("no, that is the link button, no that is the attach button, oh right, it's the button that looks like an image, I keep forgetting")
  7. Find selected folder ("where did I save it to again?")
  8. Find correct image file ("what did I name it again?")
  9. Upload the image.

The good news (for SAP) is, current system behavior discourages people from using screenshots, saving on storage space.

The bad news (for users) is, an image says more than a 1000 words, so type till your fingers bleed to explain where in the interface to enter that number ("It's in the menu called 'Tools', above the grey button with the yellow icon that looks like a testicle with a dollar sign. Under 'Other...' there is the 'Advanced' section. In the 'Shortcut' field select 'Qty' and then find the field named 'Bullocks', ...etc").

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Johan,

We have improved the editor and you can now copy and paste images into the editor by following these steps:

  1. Make screenshot
  2. Copy from your computer
  3. ALT-TAB to browser
  4. Paste

Please note that images need to be less than 1MB

Best regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Yes, it's working now!

Active Contributor

Test in comment:

End test

Answers (8)

Answers (8)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Not forgotten by us, simply delayed by the vendor software we use in terms of applying a fix. It seems to be an elusive one to solve for them. It's high on our list and checked on frequently. It looks like a software update is required and as we have customisations we are not approaching it casually...

Active Contributor

It's a very, very old issue! I have written about it since new community started...

Point 6!

Active Contributor


End test!

Active Contributor

Not working in Firefox 80.0 (64-bit) and Firefox 81.0b3 (64-bit) either.

Active Contributor

Not working with Firefox 68.12.0esr (32-bit)!

Active Contributor


end test

Active Contributor

Test to paste image directly in the answer:

Image was inserted between "Test" and "end test", but after saving - disappeared

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Just testing to see if it was fixed yet:

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Not working in answers.

How about in comments:

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Nope, still not working, and now we are back to not working at all.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

At least a consistent behavior :)))))

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Consistently inconsistent 😉

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi l_stodal,

I am not sure if this is up your alley, but perhaps you know who at SAP to alert about this ongoing problem.

Reported 4 years ago by vadim.kalinin, forgotten by SAP (edit: not forgotten by SAP), issue revived by me 13 months ago, acknowledged by SAP, and quickly forgotten again (edit: not forgotten by SAP).

Is this a technically complicated issue? It has worked properly for a day or two, shortly after I posted this question, and never before or since.

Please see the original question to get an idea of how this "small" feature, could save users valuable time. Currently it works as a deterrent to contributing here in Q&A. I for one, have left questions unanswered because I don't feel like wasting my time describing solutions that could be shown.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Has apparently been fixed, at least for Chrome Version 84.0.4147.135 (Official Build) (64-bit).

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

broken again on the 14th of december 2020

Chrome Version 87.0.4280.88 (Official Build) (64-bit)