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[BUG]Answer counter incorrect

Active Contributor

There are two questions already about the negative reply counter (exhibit A and B. Both are unanswered, there are just some comments about a "known issue" and then the trail goes cold.

Not sure if it's related but I've also noticed an issue (this is not the first time) with the number of answers:

There is just one answer (mine), it's not removed and there are no other replies I can see.

Is this a new bug and is there any update on the reply counter bug solution?

Accepted Solutions (0)

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Community Administrator
Community Administrator

Hi Jelena,

correct, in some cases this value gets out of sync due to a known issue (basically parallel write operations to a cached value on different instances). Therefore a daily background job is running to get those incorrect value changed (like your case, see screenshot below). The vendor announced a fix with the next major version (discussions with the vendor started, but no timeline, details, etc yet).

KR Mirko

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

"Therefore a daily background job is running to get those incorrect value changed" - daily... no comments!

Active Contributor

Uhm, the first screenshot shows "yesterday", so how come even the daily job doesn't fix this?

Thanks for the info though.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

This is something for the math genius

this post shows right now that you posted it 4 days ago with a screenshot that you answered a question yesterday.

and Mirko posted just 9 hours ago with a screenshot that shows that you answered the question 3 days ago.

which would then actually be the day after you posted this discussion with a picture that you answered it yesterday.

How long stuck Mirkos answer in the parallel universe until it showed up here?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I'm guessing Mirko had to get an approval from someone to expose this classified info to the angry SCN mobs. 🙂