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Blog count is low for me

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Some time back (probably ASUG/Sapphire 2016) and I discussed blog migration to the new platform.  In the beta site, I see 66 migrated for me.  I'm pretty sure that number is low.  Please advise.

The "date joined" is also wrong for me.

(And I can't seem to create this post with the tag "UA" so am using "User_Assistance" instead.

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Hi Jim,

I've confirmed with dev that not all of the personal blogs made it over to beta at the last migration and they will be planning another test migration to ensure this is resolved for go-live.  Please look for more details coming from .



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Jamie - sounds good.

To be clear, many of my missing blogs are not "personal" in the Jive sense; they were written on the platform before Jive.  I did not move them to specific Jive spaces at that time, as mentioned already, as the effort required seemed more burdensome than necessary.


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The blogs from your personal blog space on SCN are missing my actually too.

...despite of the new features from August 4th :

  • (Blog Migration) Personal blog posts from SCN are now included into the migration process to Blogs. Will be reflected after the next migration run (SOC-3135)"

The last migration was around August 22, which means something went wrong

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For historical reference, I had at least 200 blog posts in the previous SCN platform (Confluence?).  When that migration happened, I chose not to "move" each and every one of them to a space, as it seemed a poor use of my time, and a high risk of really old content bubbling up to the top.  So I know I am an edge case.

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Thanks Jim, I'm verifying with dev what should be displaying at this point in the live beta system.  Will circle back when I can confirm.

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So, in the meantime, while we wait for a response from IT (Jürgen is right, it is listed in the Release Notes), can you find a specific example of one that might be missing from the new system?  I wonder if it's an issue of the count just being wrong or if the content is actually missing.  Thanks!



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these are 2 examples from Jim:

these are from me:

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Thanks - we just did some spot checks on our side too and are seeing the same.  I've raised this with dev & will let you know what I hear back.



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Thanks Jim.  Will add this to the list 🙂

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The "66" includes documents that were not blogs.

Here is one example:

SAP Mentor Alumni 2012 - SAP Blogs

By converting a wiki page to a blog all of the version history has disappeared.

Also, links in that page are broken, as they point to prior systems.  Example:

The first was a picture on the "old" wiki, i.e., not Jive.

The second is a Jive document that, if converted to a blog, has a new URL.

The third is a link to the "old" blog platform, i.e., also not Jive.