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BIF movement problem

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I wrote my first blog and placed it to my own blog space. And I did not received any badge for "I blogged!".

Since it was Blog It Forward blog, I moved it to About SCN space, but still no badges were awarded.

By the way, I see in point history of my account, that I should have received 2 and 5 point for liking and rating 5 stars my blog, but this points was not also awarded.

Normally I would delete and resent the blog again, but it has some likes, comments and so on, which I do not wantto loose.

Thanks for help, kind regards

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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Well, finally everything was fixed accordingly. Thank you to the SCN team and closing this thread.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
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The activity for moving content from your personal space to another space. Is not calculated as any points or badge.

Your points for creating blog post and the badge "I blogged" is not valid for your personal blog.

As you have just moved the blog from personal space to About SCN. So you are not eligible for the points and badge.

Lets call for more details and clarification and also if it is possible to assign the badge and points.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Well, thank you for the answer.

But now I have another problem. Some moderator deleted my post and I really don't know why.

So, moderator who deleted my BIF block post, come and tell me what was wrong. Then I can be better member and avoid same mistakes. Thanks y lot

Active Contributor
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Have you got the reason in your action tab ?

Former Member
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Of course not. Otherwise I would not ask for the reason. This is what I have in my action tab:

Your content "Blog It Forward- Kamil Veselý" has been rejected by an SCN moderator and is no longer visible in the community. Please see the Rules of Engagement for more information on why content is rejected.

Active Contributor
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Okay. I think Moshe Sir has taken the action. Lets wait for his reply.

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos


I've published your BIF. Thanks for joining:)

If you post content in your personal space and only then transfer it, you don't get the points. Please be sure to list yourself in the BIF chain in order to get the BIF badge.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.



Former Member
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This message was moderated.

Active Contributor
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The whole process is mismatched because you have published your BIF to your personal blog space and SCN point system is behaving correctly for your blog movement.

And for the BIF badge, don't worry you will get it on month end.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Ok, I have no problem with this, it was my mistake.

But I still want to know who firstly deleted my post and why I am punished for the deletion when it was republished?

Former Member
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Hello again,

I have still no answer from the moderator, who deleted my post.

Come out and tell me what was wrong, mysterious moderator.

Kind regards

Active Contributor
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Hi Kamil,

I am not the "mysterious moderator" who rejected but I perhaps can help explain some of the "mysterious" behaviour.  The reason for rejection is sent to your notifications as a "template" boilerplate answer meaning someone selected the "notify moderator" button and the content was hidden (not deleted).....and you got a notification that is the template text saying please read the Rules of Engagement and informing you that your content isn't visable.

I agree it doesn't seem fair to be penalized for the mistake by removing points from the blog that was made visible in "About SCN" but that also is an automated activity when content is "flagged for moderation".

and who are responsible for the reputation system and the missions and badges can better view or at least explain what might have happened there.

When people copy content or post inappropriate content and ignore warnings they should indeed be penalized in some way by having the credit they received for the inappropriate content removed.

In your case you are being penalized unjustly and I hope that can be corrected in some way.

I myself did some small experiments on that very punishment with my own blogs and saw that by rejecting  them my points went down even when they were afterwards restored.

That shouldn't happened when your content was simply misplaced or moved but I'm not certain there is any automated way to restore them.

Waiting for my colleagues to "weigh in".

Thanks for bringing to our attention.

Made a correction above in that one doesn't lose points when content is "flagged for moderation" but only when it is actually rejected! Message was edited by: Marilyn Pratt

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Marilyn,

thank you for your very long answer.

And you are probably true. It is due to the automatic system, but it means this system should be corrected somehow, because I still do not feel any wrongdoing from my site. Except the sending the blog to wrong place, but I corrected that as soon as I found this mistake.

Also waiting for your colleagues to answer to this problem :c)

Thanks, kind regards

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Kamil,

Our colleagues are looking in to the way of manually addressing this.  Thanks for your patience.

While the system does know to detract points from rejected material, the only way to correct reversed decisions around content that is then accepted after rejection is to manual "fix" the points.

This happens very rarely so hopefully the team will apply a manual fix.
