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Activity Stream: Previous activity of newly followed user also appears in stream

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear 1DX team

After I start following a user, I am able to see activities of the user from before the moment I started following the user. Example below:-

I started following Juergen 7 days ago.

If I scroll down further, I can see Juergen's previous activities, example below from 14 days ago.


Eng Swee

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Former Member
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Hi Eng Swee,

This is operating as designed, please let us know your thoughts on whether this makes sense from your perspective and we can add to feedback log.

best regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Kirill, Bill,

Probably how this behaves might be debatable, and maybe different users might have different takes on it.

For me personally, I just find the behavior a bit peculiar - maybe because it does not work that way in the current Jive system, plus I've not seen such behavior in other social media or platforms that have such activity/wall/feed functionality. I've only even seen feeds for users after I've followed/friended/etc them. Older items only ever reappear in the feed only if someone BUMPs it up.


Eng Swee

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi  Eng Swee,

Thank you for the further clarification.

Best regards,


Active Contributor
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Hi Bill

This is such a coincidence - I just noticed that my feed on LinkedIn contains previous activities of a user I've just added! I guess it's more noticeable in SCN beta since there is so little activity compared to my LinkedIn feed which is just flooded that I barely noticed it!

So maybe it's just a behavior of the current Jive system.

I'm not really complaining either way, and I guess if the new platform is designed in such a way, so let it be so (unless others make a fuss about it!)


Eng Swee

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

0 Kudos

Hi Eng Swee,

You think it's not right?

Do you want it show only the content published after the day of subscription?

Best regards,
