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what is pp (production planning) configuration required for EHS SVT (substance volume tracking)

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Is there pp configuration required like in master data(BOM , Resource ,Master Recipe and PV) and pp configuration data

please explain in details

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the SVT Set up depends on "process" set up. SAP delivers "standard set up". BUt the company decides: what to use or to use something different..


"In BBP discussion EHS consultant suggested to do test data ...creation of process order and execution and tracked in EHS_SVT transaction to check the status where i use movement type 101 and 102 (GR)"

According to my understanding 101 and 102 is SAP standard. Assumption is: you will use them; but may be more ? We do not know.

The decision "what is relevant or not need ot be discussed wih EHS team and SD team (Sales Delivery Process) and MM team (Purchasing process) and PP team. SAP delivers standard production and repetitive manufacturing. Not are "PP" related solutions. But for SVT_ a different set up is needed.

So I am sorry. without deep knowledge regarding the system set up: we can not help and final decision (what is relevant or not) can not be defined by "us"


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Hello Murali

Order types and movement types are specific to your organization, you can check with your OTC and regulatory team, standard settings are delivered by SAP already as package you can check and read the SPRO documenation for more information.

Reward if it helps.



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the "SVT" Set up needed for "production" depends on processes as used in "production"

There is an OSS Consulting note available which explains "high level" customizing etc. aspects in the area of SVT; this OSS Note is discussed very often here..

tries to help a little bit.

But in a nutshell: without deep knowledge of "how SVT works" and "how it is integrated in production" in most of the cases you can not prepare a "good" set up for SVT.

Refer to threads like:

and many similar topics

If you are new to SVT: you should try to get help by external companies to get "consulting" (how to prepare set up etc.)

So sorry: Production is a "complex" story in combination with SVT; there are many pitfalls to list etc.


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We need to track the process orders created to the track the volumes, how much we are producing for the particular year,

There is a restriction on chemicals we cannot produce more than certain threshold. volume tracking will be based on regulation and certain filter creteria like Order types and moment types and block the excess threshold accordingly.



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Hi Satya garu,

Actually currently assigned to project EHS-SVT,I am new to this project,so that I am asking config required

as you said order types and movement types

can you explain means seperate order types can we maintain for SVT materials

what are the movement types for SVT materials

As i am new to this project need to know the role of pp consultant role in SVT project

In BBP discussion EHS consultant suggested to do test data ...creation of process order and execution and tracked in EHS_SVT transaction to check the status where i use movement type 101 and 102 (GR)