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User fields on operation level in PM order

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We are trying to use the IWO10018 user exit to show operation user fields in a table view on header level but when using that exit we don't have access to operation data.

@Pete Atkin how have did you solve this?

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Active Contributor
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Did you already use every field provided by SAP in Customizing (Customizing transaction SPRO Plant Maintenance and Customer Service, Maintenance Plans, Work Centers, Task Lists and PRTs, Task Lists, Operation Data, Define User Fields or transaction OILJ)

In this case, first read information note 570330 - FAQ 2: Customer-specific fields.

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I would like to have some logic behind the fields but maybe thats possible with the user fields as well? We use operation account assignment and combine several notifications in one order. In each notification we have a specific partner that we would like to show on the order. We only have one partner at header level and we would like to display the partner on operation level together with the partner description. The enhancement possibilities on the PM order are really poor in my opinion.