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Unable to send customized emails using Alerts 2.0 in SAP DM

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Hi experts,

I have configured Alerts 2.0 using the document "20231212 Enable_Alert_Service2311". I have made services for creating and updating alerts along with respective schemas. I use the services to create new alerts using business events as triggers and production processes. 
Screenshots of the production process and Alert Type -




Question - How do we customize the description of the email notification option to contain the property set details? Is it possible to include the property set details in the email?
Details - In the production process we have an input parameter "INFO" where I mention the details of my resource status change using data from the business triggers. This "INFO" is available as IN-APP notifications. I want to do the same for the emails sent, ie send details about plant and resources along with the status change. For that can I use the property set details? If not, is there some other way to achieve this requirement of receiving email?

Please let me know if any workaround is there for this scenario. Any recommendations will be helpful.

Thanks & Regards

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

I'm afraid customizing the alert email body is currently not possible ootb. As a work around, you could evaluate using a different / external mail service to send mails, where you would have full control and be able to build your own body message.

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