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The function modules BAPI_BUS1077_GETDETAIL takes unreasonably long time to read the data

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Dear Experts,

There is a custom program to read the specification and characteristics values, In this program Initially FM 'C14K_SUBSTANC_VALUATIONS_READ' is used to read and for some reason after we upgraded to EHP 6 , this FM is not reading data.

So we replaced this FM with BAPI_BUS1077_GETDETAIL and when we run for all materials, this is taking days to run the report in background (More than 60 Hours and still not completed) . .

Note : Before upgrade we run for all the material and it usually takes 3 hours to run in background.

Please help to solve this.

Thanks for all the support.


Abhinav Nallani

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Dear Abhinav

it is known that the BAP/APIs/FMs in EHS are "slow". But there are lot of OSS corrections available (but clearly if you are using current SP then there is no OSS left to implement). Just check SAP marketplace. Check e,g as well:

Coming back to your finding:

Initially FM 'C14K_SUBSTANC_VALUATIONS_READ' is used to read and for some reason after we upgraded to EHP 6 , this FM is not reading data. => did you start OSS dialog why there is a differenbt behaviour?

Generally: teh BAPIs/APIs/FMs are "closely" linked to each other,. If you use the "FM" and do the "where used list" you will always finde the BAPIs. So the FMs are more on "lower" level and the BAPI enable "Business Application options".  This is becuase of their design and why they are in place. I would as well assume that performance using BAPI is lower than using FM.

Generally. SAP "must" guarantee a kind of backward functionality. Therefore I do not understand why the FM you have used in past should not work any more

So check SAP marketplace and look for potential improvements in the BAPI etc.


PS: check may be:

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Please note that C14K_SUBSTANC_VALUATIONS_READ is not released by SAP and therefore SAP does not make any grantees.

This is why weshould always work with the BAPIs - there are "normally" released. (But the EH&S once are not - However I still recommend using them)

In regards to your performance problem:

Make sure you:

- call the BAPI for a set list of Specifications i.e. 200 and not for each "material" by itslef.

- do not call the BAPI for all "Materials" at once

Do not read by material:

Normally a lot of materials share the same substance (SUBID). Read each Substance SUBID just once and not multiple time just because multiple materials are assigned to it!

Hope this helps


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Dear Mark

you are right. The relevant FMs are normally not released to be used by customers. But in 80% of the cases they are used in the "BAPIs". So it is quite "strange" to define that BAPI is supported but FM not, I did not check the system. But if you checked and found that the BAPis are not released.. ok we have the story. Strange but. In any case: it is "strange" that SAP is delivering something using an architecture internally (and sell them) and the "core" is not released for customer.

And by the way: they deliver as well example ABAP reports in which the BAPIs are "explained" (how to use etc.). And how you could as a customer ask for SAP OSS support if SAP does not support their own FMs??? (and add that many corrections in the last years). Honestly I did never checked if the same is true in the area of e.g. SAP MM etc. that "existing" FMs; BAPis etc.  are released for customer purpose.

In any case. Your hint is one "reason" why sometimes the use of materials in seletion is not a "good" option (topic of: normally a lot of materials share the same substance (SUBID). Read each Substance SUBID just once and not multiple time just because multiple materials are assigned to it!)

But the "material =specification "assignment is the "core" interface to SAP ERP logistic prossess and used in may areas. So you should have a "suitable" performance in this context (search etc.)

But ! if you have the current SAP releasethen you will detect easily this; now you have an option, in which you can e.g. upload a list of materials and use them for generating a hitlist. I did not check but I would assume SAP is not using (internaly) FM 'C14K_SUBSTANC_VALUATIONS_READ

but different one. So coming from high level: The SAP stanard gives you the option touse "long lists". BUT: if the list is quite huge you can expect "time out" in CG02. So it is no "surprise" that if you try to do similar things in background that you have long runtime; but even using a "huge" list you should gte a result within one day (an dthe 3 hours might not be a "bad" value).

a.) provide the number of materials you have used

b.) provide the numbers of specifications in your system
