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Set EHS text as bold using BAPI_BUS1077_CREATE/CHANGE

0 Kudos

Dear All,

We have a requirement to set the texts for EHS substance numbers as bold when we are receiving the data from a third-party system. For creating the substance number, we are using the logic of standard BAPI_BUS1077_CREATE and for changing the substance data, we are trying to use logic of standard BAPI_BUS1077_CHANGE.

However, the standard BAPI is converting the character formats to a different one as the character format <H> (For Bold) is converted to <(><<)>H> due to which it is not getting identified by standard style EHS_STD.

Requesting a solution from everyone regarding this issue.

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Answers (2)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


not clear why you would like to "format" the text. Do you would like to use the text in WWI context or for a different purpose?


Active Contributor
0 Kudos


not "100%" sure what you would like to get. The style EHS_STD is linke to e.g. "identifiers", "Phrases" or "user defined text" but not specification numbers

PLease explain better what you would like to get


PS: check e.g.

0 Kudos

Hi Christoph,

Thank you for the link.

The issue is regarding user defined text in the specification number.

Like when we are trying to create/change a specification`s user defined text, the character formats are not taken into consideration using the BAPI and the character format for bold <H> is converted to <(><<)>H> hence making the texts as not bold.

I found FM C14GN_TEXT_TRANSFER which changes this format. However I am not able to by-pass this FM in the standard BAPI logic.

Can you share any alternate possible approach for this please?

Best Regards,
