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Hello to ALL

I am having difficulties trying to generate Reports from the WWI Server directly and not via Front End: well the Graphics are being pulled locally not over Server. NOTE also the Symbol is a Parameter symbol that is grabed by a Function which is via a table.

the parameters are set up so




WWI_WEBGUI_MIME_TYPE application/pdf


the EHS Man server is running

the WWI Gen server 1 is runing

all servers are running

screen shot

RFC Setup

RFC is for the EHS man server the System WWI Gen server and Sync server up

i did in CGSADM the wizard and clicked on Synchro and it set it up and all.

but I dont think the reports are being generated on the server because I get an error that a symbol is still trying to grab in the local front end Location.


[Paths] GUI-HOME=C:\WWI\



EH Anything else needed on info please let me know. i am now brain fried and have no idea where to look further. thanks

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hello ok do I set then 2 Servers as active or just one- Currently I have the "normal" srv-wwi-oew running and active. she runs on SV000 and the WWI_GEN-..... server is on SV003 but running as can ping but not active? God this is so confusing.

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do I set then 2 Servers as active or just one-
Only you can answer this 😉 - we don't know how you want to set-up things....

My guess is:
  • that the "normal" GLM is intended to generate labels (Raw Reports).
  • the Synchron one is normally used for printing labels.

-> connect both!

SV003 is up and running - it might just not be able to connect the SAP System you are on - or it is set via RFC.ini to connect to another SAP System.

Answers (6)

Answers (6)

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Dear Anna

1.) we are not using this "business function"; therefore i do no thave practical experience here

2.) In context of:

in the table you maintain these parameters on is a field Logo, where the FILE.JPEG name is only given nothing more.

now I think we are missing the complete addy: meaning

\\FIleserver IP\WWI\Graphics\FILENAME.JPEG = C:\\WWI\GRAPHICS\File

=> The most challenging fact for WWI set up (gen server, either synchron or asynchron) or local version: ANY set up must be the same.. so the path structure, graphics etc. must be the same; any OS user on Windows must must have the needed "access rights" etc.

A little bit strange is this "C:\\WWI\GRAPHICS\File"; normally it should be as "C:\WWI\GRAPHICS\File"; there is one letter "\" to much in the path (from my point of view)

Regarding: "\\FIleserver IP\WWI\Graphics\FILENAME.JPEG"; nether seen something like that

If you act as "WWI developper" you must havei nstalled a local WWI installation any how;

One hint: Synchron WWI server are handled different than asynchron; the so called "load balancing" (decision which WWI server is free) is done by SAP in the so called "RFC" layer.. So you have less control here; for "asynchron" one: you have a number of "exits" to do programming in ABAP

Like: if i need to generate a EU SDS take GenServ 1, For Asia Pacific; take Gen Sevrer 2 and so on; something like this is not possible for "asynchron" one.

On top: we have the huge list of challenges regarding the used OS (Windows 10 ?)", the used WinWord version (Office365?) and the used WWI version (don't know exactly; but we might have now WWI SP 50 in the game)

On top: any RFC connection must best (in most cases in our days) set up in "Unicode" transmission mode

(AND if you use what is normally called "GLM PLus" then it is more tricky (there are some releated threads here))


PS: i believe per company you have not more of at max 3 persons having the full knowledge regarding WWI; if you check the threads. the top 10 asked questions is as well: how to set up a genserver correct? and this "top 10" rating is true since years even considering the fact that we have a guideline by SAP how to do the job; therefore: only change a running system if you have urgent needs to do so and then: please make sure that your WWI experts do have time for configuration etc.

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ok I have read all those Cookbooks and so many forums.

1. is setting up as you described here Christian:

"Further standard process is to use "Cg02" and "Create report from template". Here normally the "local" WWI is used and the create document does not flow back to SAP; but with Enhancement Package 3 you can activate a "BUsiness function". Then the WWI process will not run locally but on a "server" (according to my understanding; this is a synchron one); the result will show up locally etc."

2. I followed up Synchronous set up- how the Server is running- but I seem to not be able to activate it. though in SPRO it is aktive and not the other one.

CGSADM still shows GENPC1 active and GENPC ( WWI Gen server 1)

Like in old screen shot still

in spro the little check mark is on SV003 the WWI Gen server 1 and the other not.

OTHER ISSUE is: the Logo not showing up- this is to only come from the Server not frontend. the symbol is a Parameter symbol which- works as so:

we have a table- here are parameters and behind this table is a function Module that says if this region language and parameter spit the result from the table.

in the table you maintain these parameters on is a field Logo, where the FILE.JPEG name is only given nothing more.

now I think we are missing the complete addy: meaning

\\FIleserver IP\WWI\Graphics\FILENAME.JPEG = C:\\WWI\GRAPHICS\File

Can I reach out to someone by phone?



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Hello AnnChristine Bollhorst-Noack

Synchronous servers will be used for GLM ,


1. Check the graphics assigned to the phrase,

2. Are you creating preview from report from template or creating a report ?

3. Check your profile settings.

Server level,

1. Check RFC.ini connection are properly or not ping the servers from sm59 and check.

2. You need connections (SV000 & SV003) 1 is for Generating the SBR reports and 2nd one will print the labels.

3. Check with basis on connection set up are you facing the issue for the first time like this is new server set up ? or old server creating problems ? please brief on this .



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not sure regarding your description:

"Hello to ALL

I am having difficulties trying to generate Reports from the WWI Server directly and not via Front End: well the Graphics are being pulled locally not over Server. NOTE also the Symbol is a Parameter symbol that is grabed by a Function which is via a table."

I try to read between the lines

Standard process to generate a "normal" raw WWI report is to use "CG02" and use "Create report"; the data is collected, passed on to WWI server farm and the result comes back to SAP to be stored in DMS.

Further standard process is to use "Cg02" and "Create report from template". Here normally the "local" WWI is used and the create document does not flow back to SAP; but with Enhancement Package 3 you can activate a "BUsiness function". Then the WWI process will not run locally but on a "server" (according to my understanding; this is a synchron one); the result will show up locally etc.

GLM can be a kind of "special" story: You have the option to specify that the label is generated in the fly; in this case: no document is stored in DMS (according to my knowledge); this is used in most cases for "product lables". But for "normal" labels: you generate a "raw report" and this is normally not done using a "synchron" server

So honestly: in one sentence you mix to many topics; any parameter symbol is "on top" special. Here we have to differentiate e.g. the Safety Data Sheet process and the Label process (and others as well)

I propose. Please read very carefuly the WWI Coockbook (which is linked to one OSS note): how to set up a "WWI Server"

The correct set up of WWI server (and how it works) belongs to the top 10 discussion items since years here

Shows lot of "links" to huge number of threads regarding "WWI set up". Might help

On top: this document might help

E.g. this document shows "typical" WWI issues:


ATTENTION: the content of the document in this link is "outdated" CHECK SAP MARKETPLACE

0 Kudos

Hello AnnChristine,

Along with CGSADM setting - Please check SPRO Path that Active Checkbox is ticked or not,

Below is the path:

SPRO->Product Safety and Stewardship->Basic Data and Tools->Report Definition->Windows Wordprocessor Integration (WWI)->Configuration of Generation PCs->Configuration of Generation Servers->Manual Configuration of Generation Servers->Specify Generation Servers

The checkbox must be Ticked.



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Hello Ann-Christine,

"WWI Gen server 1" [WWI_GENSERVER_SYN_DEST_OEW_01] is up and running - correct.
BUT it is not connected to the SAP System where you executed TR CGSADM: It has a blue diamond front of it instead of a green square.

-> You need to make sure it connects to the right SAP System

-> Check the RFC.ini carefully.

Hope this helps
