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SAP OSS Note for ESTRI EHS: Identifiers table not updated

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Can anyone suggest a SAP OSS Note that can fix the problem: This is for updating ESTRI table.

The note needs to:

- Mark the old identifier in the ESTRI Item Code record for deletion

- and add the new identifier in the ESTRI Item Code record which was just entered in the Base Code spec.

Because currently when the user changed/updated the Base Code in a Base Code spec, the Base Code in that is related to an Item Code spec is not updated. That's why all the program that retrieve the specs in through ESTRI are showing the old Base Code instead of the new Base Code

Thanks and Regards, Gabby

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sorry to say: I have no clue: what is your problem?

What is your defintion of "ESTRI Item code"?

What is a "base code"?

Do we talk about use of "inheritance"?

Please provide more details so that somebody can help
