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SAP ME: 15.4 - how to delete site

0 Kudos


does anybody know how to delete site in SAP ME? I created with one mistake (unchecked Site is Local) and cant change it back nor delete it.



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SAP recommended reinstalling the system. I tried on our test system another thing. I just simply change this value in DB table sites and reset the whole system. Afterward, it worked.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Thanks for providing your solution! But I definitely can't see SAP recommending direct table modifications. It can have catastrophic consequences if not done carefully. Glad it worked for you!

Cheers, Mike

0 Kudos

Hello Mike,

I fully agree and it was no intention of my answer to propose that. SAP clearly says that for this kind of issue reinstallation of the system is best practice.

My solution was only on the test system (where we agreed if it will be broken we will simply re-install it).


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi all!

Just to keep the answer in the thread:

- a site is considered as a very core master data not eligible for deletion;

- thus, if you want to clear out some space in your database by means of getting rid of all data (master and transactional ones) associated with the site, this is not a part of out-of-the-box functionality;

- if you need to change some definition of the site, then you can try to do this directly in the database;

- otherwise, you need to consider re-creating the database from scratch: you can manually create needed sites in a new database, and then move master data from the existing sites by means of Configuration Data Transfer Export/Import activity of SAP ME.



0 Kudos

Hi Jakub,

Have you got any solution?
I am also facing similar issue and canot see any reference to deletion in any of the docs available.


Renjith E R