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SAP ECTR - SORTSTRING in document structures: where are the relation types coming from?


Hi all,

I am searching for informations about how the SORTSTRING, in detail the relation types, in document structures is generated.

The operations guide says only what each relation type means, but not where they are coming from.

The "normal" SORTSTRING is in our case INV:C (INV for Inventor and C for component), which is fine.

But sometimes, the SORTSTRING is INV:CWU or INV:CU and only for one position in the document structure.

I am wondering, where the WU and U types are coming from? From the document? or the linked material?

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I created a new improvement request 249232

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Answers (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello Mr. Gross,

the Sortstring (DB field STPO-SORTF) in the Bill of Documents is used to give the relation a specific meaning, e.g. "assembly-component" relation, "drawing-3D model" relation, "variant-generic" relation, "assembly-component, but ignore for BOM" relation or "suppressed component" relation.

The Sortstring is used and derived by the CAD-interface for CAD-Desktop and ECTR.

Hope this helps.


Gerhard Himmelsbach

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Hello Mr. Himmelsbach,
the usage of the Sortstring is clear.
We have noticed that some documents are always ignored when the Material BOM is derived from the document structure.
The Sortstring of these ignored documents contains the "ignore for BOM" flag (relation type).
So far, so good.
But I would like to know how the Sortstring flags are derived, respectively what properties do influence these Sortstring flags?
For example, some (but not all) of the "wrong" documents have a linked SAP Material where the "is bulk Material" property is enabled...
Or maybe there is an ECTR setting that I missed?

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(additional pictures to my previous post)

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I think I found the reason:

In Inventor, we can define a BOM structure type for each document.

These structure types then lead to the follwing sort strings:

  • Normal = INV:C
  • Inseparable = INV:C
  • Purchased = INV:CU
  • Phantom = INV:CW
  • Reference = INV:CWU

Unfortunately, the "purchased" documents are also "ignored for BOM" (relation type "U") 😞