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Running MII without Java

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It depends on your needs i think, but you can call any transaction with get/post requests directly from your webscreen. Just remove all applets, use some needed open css frameworks (i use bootstrap4). I think that it will be better to use jQuery with ajax to make get/post requests (here is an example:

Java Applets set XML answer directly inside themselves, but without Java you will have to write a js code which will put xmls or jsons you got into your HTML objects (some of frameworks support filling tables directly from jsons and xmls without "for" or "foreach" statements)

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In the workbench you can select the web tab and there you can put your webapplication code. This can be done in UI5 or any other javascript framework.

And in the webapplication you can call the transactions through webservices.

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I think by 15.1 some version of UI5 should be on the box but you may have to install something. MII has the i5 objects in the workbench which are UI5 based and meant to replace the applets so you should look into them. i5Charts etc.

There are pros and cons to using them but depending on your applications they may be able to get you a quick turnaround.

Most projects I am involved with are just going with UI5 and moving away from using any MII/i5 objects. I feel SPC charting is the only area where you might have to do a lot of work to get something good out of the standard UI5 charts but everywhere else its not a problem. Here are the main UI5 docs

On the web development side the workbench really doesn't give you any more that it did before which was never much. SAP Web IDE is an option but there were some issues with syncing xml which could be a pain if you choose to use xml views with UI5. Not sure if they fixed that or not. I guess I would recommend reading thru all the MII related sap notes you can :).

Anyway I have written some free tools to help with MII web dev. links below. I personally use Web Storm and integrate the IDE with FTP thru my oxcart application.

Whatever decisions you make really depend on what your current implementation looks like and what your goals are for the future. Because applets are basically EOL in general, not just in an MII context, most vendors have been doing a lot of work the past few years moving existing MII implementations off of them. I know I have been busy doing a lot of that kind of work. It probably wouldn't hurt to bring in some help and try to get some good advice before deciding what to do.


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Thanks for that detailed explanation Christian! I guess my BLS skills are EOL too. Time to brush up on my SAPUI5 and coding skills again. At least knowledge of database and ECC interfaces (BAPI-RFC/IDoc) are still pertinent. I hope?

Cheers, Mike

Active Contributor

I don't speak for SAP but it's my understanding that the BLS engine and services etc. aren't going away anytime soon! 🙂

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Hi Morgan,

There are two ways to develop MII screen explained below:

  1. You can develop these screens in WEB folder in workbench in UI5 using MVC framework. However, in workbench, I personally find it not very supportive to develop large application as it lacks look and feel features and it is very hard to debug.
  2. Other than above-mentioned solution in first point, you can also make use of SAP Cloud Platform to connect SAP MII that gives the benefit to use SAP Web IDE to develop SAP UI5 application with MVC framework.

Hope this helps!!


Ankit Gupta

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In terms of the applets you can't. You have to rewrite/update any content dependent on the applets to use the i5 mii objects or ui5 or other non java plugin web development. Personally I recommend going with pure ui5 as much as possible. In terms of the admin screens and such depending on what version of MII you are running you may have to dip into the developer tools of your browser and tweak some settings and try enterprise mode to get things to render right.


Former Member
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Hi Christian,

How do we rewrite? Are there new options in the Developer Workbench?

We are currently running Mii 15.1 ...


Neil Morgan