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Rework with CO07 and then continue to the original order

0 Kudos

Hello all,

I Need some help for the rework process without Header material.

For example we have 5 operations with order qty 100. In the Operation 3, I confirm my Operation with 50 qty yield and 50 rework. Then I opened a separate rework production order with co07. I just have to perform one Operation with one component. Now i release this rework production and confirm with co11n 50 yield rework qty. Now i want to continue with my Operation 3 in the original production order.

How should I proceed here? should i go back to the Operation 3 and confirm yield qty 50? or what is the procedure?

thank you in advance.

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Active Contributor


Generally in the Shop floor, rework happen frequently, In SAP rework is done by different ways

  1. Automatic triggering of rework order when we enter rework qty in confirmation screen.
  2. If rework has to be done immediately after entering in to rework qty in the confirmation screen before proceeding next operation, by done by control key with rework option and enter the time in operational detail and operation quantity.
  3. Create a reference operation set and create a rework order with rework order type and settle the rework order into main production order.

If the order quantity is 100, and have 5 oprn, in the second operation rework happened means confirm the operation with partial confirmation with entering yield and rework quantity, and create a rework order, in the rework order confirm the quantity with Final operation. Again in main production order, in the 2 nd operation confirm the rework quantity with out entering any activity in the confirmation with final confirmation.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hello Lingaiah Vanam,

thank you for your precise answer.

Got just one small clarification when you say "confirm the rework quantity….."
Do you mean to say, that i dont need to enter any quantity in the final confirmation? Right?

thank you

Best Regards,
