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WWI / chapter 14 / 3E Template

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i realized a heavy use of "Stacks" of many kind. Can you explain they 3E tries to move a "Authorization group" of the specification to the StacK?  This is from my point of view not needed. Really strange logic.

Based on discussion with other experts in the background: we will raise anyhow a tickets at 3E as the docu as delivered is "strange" (for some of the generation variants).


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Hello @christoph_bergemann ,

It could just be, that the coding moves the "Authorization group" of the specification to the stack, to have something on the stack to indicate that a certain part/branch of the WWI coding has been reached. 

As the "Authorization group" is one of the very view mandatory fields in the specification DB, this value is used.

Hope that helps





Active Contributor

Hello Mark.. thanks for feedback.. helps a lot

I would be interested to get your feedback regarding:

I would like to understan the "Best Practise" of 3E (how to use the "Usage" on "identifier" level in combination with whta 3E delivers (WWI + Gen Var)

