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PS project import into PPM

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Dear colleagues,

Please assist with solving the issue we faced during import PS project via portfolio item "Import project" option (located on the top bar).

During import of existing project we are receiving the error DPR_PHASE 001 "Select a valid phase type".

We assume that no such error should be issued as no phases should be created during PS project import according to IMG.

Steps to reproduce

Open portfolio item with assigned PPM Project Management project.

Choose "Import project" menu button.

Maintain the following values:

Application: SAP Project System

Application client: here we maintain our client. We have both PPM and PS in one client.

Project: Here we choose operative PS project we want to import (operative means that project definition is stored in PROJ).

Choose "Structure only" option.

Press "Check".

Then the error DPR_PHASE 001 "Select a valid phase type" is issued.

We have tried importing project containing only WBS elements and project definition and project containing only project definition, however still receiving the same error.

What we expect

We expect that system would overwrite existing PPM Project Management project with the data from operative PS project. Later we want to update created PPM Project Management project based on operative PS project using /RPM/PROJECTS_BATCH_UPDATE - that is, we expect is that we would be able to update PPM tasks with WBS data, e.g. dates.

Why we expect

As per configuration guide on SAP Configuration node SAP Portfolio and Project Management - Portfolio Management - Base System Interfaces - Portfolio-Management-Specific Settings for Project Management Systems Integ - Portfolio-Management-Specific Settings for Project Management Systems Integ - SAP PLM PS Integration Overview:

  • Use

This process describes how to integrate SAP Product Lifecycle Management - Project System (PLM PS) with SAP Portfolio and Project Management.

  • Importing Projects from SAP PLM PS to SAP Portfolio and Project Management

The nature of the data imported from SAP PLM PS to SAP Portfolio and Project Management depends on what the user selects in the front-end application. All data movement is controlled through the mapping table maintained in Customizing. Users can import tasks, roles, resources, and teams in any combination. These objects are transferred as they are maintained in the SAP PLM PS base system.

Before the import can take place, all configurations maintained in the SAP PLM PS base system must be transferred to SAP Portfolio and Project Management. This includes the project type, role types, and any specific configuration that determines how the data is stored or calculated.

Data transfer takes place as follows:

SAP PLM PS SAP Portfolio and Project Management

Project definition Project

WBS element Task

Network header Task

Network activity Task/role

Network activity element Task/role

Milestone Task

Activity milestone Task

Resource Resource

Work center Team

You can also transfer SAP PLM PS project data to the portfolio item by maintaining the mapping table entries in the relevant Customizing step.

  • Exporting Projects from SAP Portfolio and Project Management to SAP PLM PS

During export, a template must be selected from the SAP PLM PS base system. The selected template is copied and its start, end, and description are set as the SAP Portfolio and Project Management portfolio item planned start, planned finish, and description respectively.

  • Updating Projects in SAP Portfolio and Project Management

Once you have imported projects to SAP Portfolio and Project Management, you can update projects using the report Projects Batch Update Program (/RPM/PROJECTS_BATCH_UPDATE). For more information, see the documentation for this report.



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