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Printing a Quality Certificate containing information from several inspection lots

0 Kudos

Dear experts,

we would need to manage a special case for which, declaring the GR for a Production order in different steps (once per each batch), a specific inspection lot is being created per each batch (expected behavior), but when printing the CoA for the customer, only one CoA wants to be printed containing a summary of the different batches inspection lots results.


Production Order qty = 300kg --> Batch A (100Kg)+Batch B (100kg)+ Batch C (100kg)

Batch A -> Inspection Lot 1 -> Char result= 3

Batch B -> Inspection Lot 2 -> Char result= 4

Batch C -> Inspection Lot 3 -> Char result= 8


Average Char result = 5

Max Char result = 8

Min Char result = 3

Is it possible to manage it through S/4 HANA standard functionalities?

Thanks a million,



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Former Member
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In your scenario above, is the batch on the production a different material/batch and Batch A, B & C are being consumed into this order?

Option 1: create a calculated char in the production order inspection plan and write a function module that reads the data from the batches being consumed to take an average. With this option the users see the average value prior to it going out on a COA under the Company Logo.

Option 2: Look at he Results Origin option "03 - Inspection / batch from production chain". The system comes with FM: QC02_CHAR_MVALUE_BEFORE. The configuration path is Quality Management > Quality Certificates > Certificate Profile > Define Data Origin > Origin of characteristíc values

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Through S/4 HANA standard functionalities, there is no option, where you can merge the Results of the Multiple Inspection Lots / Batches in to the single Quality Certificates. The available options to print the Quality Certificates are :
QC20>> For Delivery
QC21>> For the Inspection Lot
QC21 >> For the Batch
QCMS >> With Multiple Specifications
All these options will consider each of the Inspection/Batch as an individual set.
If still there is any work around for the mentioned business case, let us wait for some other Experts comments/inputs.

Thanks & Regards : Raja

0 Kudos

Thanks for the feedback Raja.

I did not mentioned it, sorry, but that "summarized" quality certificate should be printed linked to a Delivery when the 3 batches are included on it. Dont know if through QC20 printing, or through an output type in the delivery , the certificate could be created as the inspections/batches to be used are already identified into the delivery.

Thanks and regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Jose,

Many Thanks for the kind feedback.
Even for the Delivery consisting of multiple Batches, system will not generate the " summarized" one, system will generate the Quality Certificate, with multiple pages, with individual Batch Results as one set, one after the other. this is the standard functionality. Hope this is clear. Kindly let me know your comments/feedback. Thanks & Regards : Raja