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Presetting values during IoD process via DType setting for Office documents did not work

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Hi all,

presetting values for CAD during Import on Demand process, in our case NX, works fine like described in this wiki article but for Office documents it was unfortunately not succesful.

How to preset values during document creation process via DType setting - Product Lifecycle Manageme...

What did I do?

1. Define Attribute in Word file, e.g. "_DOCDTYPE" to preset in Import on Demand document creation process.

2. Execute Import on Demand function via Word application

The DType doesn´t switch from "ADOWR" to "EDOWR" like defined in Word custom attributes.

Can anybody help me out?

I wish you all a happy new year 🙂



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0 Kudos

Hello Alexander,

this is unfortunately still a missing feature in the Office intergration. Currently no metainf data for this import-on-demand case is written out of Office here. This means that it is not possible to preassign the attributes.

This issue will be included in the development and will be fixed in one of the upcoming releases.

best regards,