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Portfolio Type dependent Item Types

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Is there a way in which we can restrict the item types to a particular portfolio type?

During the creation of an item, the item types relevant for that portfolio type should only be displayed for selection.

Please let me know on how to achieve this.

Thanks in advance.


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Also,  just a heads-up:

If you enable this feature while rendering obsolete any older Item Types, the "Item Type" field in the Item Details screen of older Items will display its Code and not its Text values.  Not to worry though if the Items are closed or in final state (and no longer require modification), as the Item Dashboard will still show textual values regardless of portfolio-specific settings.

Crisis averted there.

True scenario:

I made this change fairly recently along with modifying Project Templates.  The requirement was to change template/standard project structures, and I thought it best practice to retain and simply "Flag as Obsolete" any older templates.  The major change in the template was that the the number of Phases in the new template are now less than the template to be retired.  Some projects were already in-flight and we could not simply reuse the old Item Types (and modify their DPs) as while testing I found that the deleted DPs would:

  1. Display in the UI with their code values  (like 'ZDP001')
  2. Disallow status updates, and
  3. Automatically set the "Active DP" flag for the deleted DP, within items with final DP set to final status.  (i.e. project is ready to close)

The result was that Items couldn't be closed properly!  Either way, the above approach caused data inconsistencies so it was unacceptable.  Hence, this would be one practical reason to maintain portfolio-dependent item types

Just for reference, here's what the configuration looked like, with Portfolio-Dependent Settings and default/Permitted Item Types:

Portfolio-Dependent Item Types:

Default Templates:  (shows obsolete Item Type codes)

Item Type field displayed as code in Item Details

(Note:  In standard, this field is set to Read-Only, but for the sake of illustration I'm showing you the valid item types in the dropdown --- and it does NOT include the obsolete Item Type 'Z001')


Implement the following OSS Note:

Note 1953807 - Item Type ID is displayed in Item Overview

I hope this helps you get out of a pickle, before your users even get to that state.

- Lawrence

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Hi Priyatham

Did you ever solve your issue?

I'm facing the same issue where I would like to make it possible to select only specific Item Types in one portfolio and other Item types for another Portfolio.

Please share if you found a solution.



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This is now standard functionality on PPM 5 from SP 9 or 10.

You need to specify relevant Item Types for Portfolios under the Portfolio configuration. Let me know if you need exact details, but please take a look (provided you are on the relevant SP level or higher)


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Hi Chatsworth.

Thank you for your reply. Very useful

I'm sadly on 5.0 SP07. But not for long

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Hi Chatsworth,

I am currently checking this functionality in ppm 5.0 with SP10, i am able to see the config node to assign item types to portfolio types while "Define Portfolio type".

But the problem, while i am creating item from any portfolio , it shows all the item types in dropdown selection  (creation parameters), so that i am able to select other portfolio item types and then able to create item.( which is not expected)

Can you help me out , am i missing any config or its expected behaviour.


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Hi Jaya,

If config was complete, you shouldn't be able to see the Item Types not specified in Portfolio-Dependent Settings.  These should override what you've set in global config.

Just asking, but did you set the master switch for this in Global Settings?

Nav:  PFM  >  Global Customizing  >  Global Settings  >  Override Default Global Settings

Area =    0007 (General Default Values

Name =  Filter Item/Initiative Type Based on Portfolio Type (' ': No, 'X': Yes)

Value =   X

If you've set this, and Portfolio-Dependent Settings, then your selection screen should already pre-filter to the item types you've set.

I hope this helps.

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Hi Lawrence

Thanks for the solution. now i am able to get the filtered list by portfolio type.

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Great! Glad to hear this has worked out for you Jaya!

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Hi Amit,

The methods in this BADI are triggered on clicking start button during item creation after the bucket and an item type is selected.

So this BADI will not solve my purpose here.

Thank your very much,


0 Kudos

Hi Priyatham,

You can put the validation when the user clicks on start butoon. You can display an error message if user does not select the appropriate item types.

Additionally, check if you can achieve it by making implicit enhancement in GET_CREATION_PARAMETERS metod of webdynpro component /RPM/ITEM_DETAILS. Take the help of webdynpro consultant to explore it.



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Hi Amit,

Thank you very much for the inputs. I want to achieve this in RPM4.5.

Please suggest steps on achieving this in RPM4.5.

Thanks and Regards,


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Hi Priyatham,

Try the first option - display error message if user does not select right item type. It should work in SAP RPM 4.5 also.



0 Kudos

Hi Priyatham,

This is not possible as as standard functionality.

You can put the validation for restricting item types for a portfolio id using GET_ATTRIBUTES method of RPM_PROJ_CUST_FIELDS BaDi.

Try this option if it can serve the purpose.

