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PCO 15.5 - MII not showing in Destination System


Hi All

I am following below document but while Adding a Destination System , MII is not showing in drop down list. How to add MII as destination system.

Monitoring a Local or Shared Folder for a File using PCo | SAP Blogs

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Hi adnan.maqbool2 ,

I have not tried but the help document suggested that to use 'universal Web service destination system'. Refer the document in below url

MII Destination System (Deprecated)



Answers (4)

Answers (4)

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Hi @adnan.maqbool2,

You can change the compatibility settings in Plant Connectivity Management Console by choosing the menu entry (Tools>Options>Global Settings>Compatibility) and checking "Allow Creation of Deprecated Configuration Elements". Now you will be able to create the source and destination systems that are flagged as deprecated:

Regards, Chayma


The MII Destination has been deprecated because of security issues. I would strongly recommend that you learn how to use the Universal Web Service Destination to call MII Transactions. You can use UWS as Destination Calls with Response Processing, as well as in Multi-call Destinations, with the ability to receive and process a response from the called MII Transaction.

Regards, Steve

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since the MII Destination has been deprecated because of security issues, you can use Universal Web Service Destination to call MII Transactions.
there are two options inside them: SOAP (XMII/WSDLGen/) or REST (/XMII/Runner?).

UWS using SOAP has the benfit, that it is much more comfortable to configure and maintain instead of REST. But you can not use special session options like asynchron and session=false.

UWS using REST has the benfit, that it has a better performance instead of SOAP, the possibility of using Asnych and session=false, but it is not so comfortable in configuration and maintenance.

See SAP MII Help for Details:

Web Service Interface (SOAP)
Transaction Calls Using URLs (REST)

SAP PCo Help for UWS:
Universal Web Service Destination System

hopefully this is helpful



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Hi steve

i confirm that solve the problem! Thank'you very much for your help

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Hi Steve

the transaction (just a Test) is very simple i've got only an event Logger to log the input value from PCO

In Pco i hve created a destination

and an Agent to notify file content

this is the notification

in the PCO Log i can see that notification is being send correctly

but in MII LOG i cannot see the file content

if i switch to MII destination (deprecated) all it's fine and i receive the file from PCo

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Hi Antonio,

Hmmm, everything looks correct. I have similar PCo/MII configuration and it works correctly. Which version/patch of MII and PCo are you using?

Regards, Steve

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Hi Antonio,

I found your issue. In the Notification Destination Configuration , for the Destination value in XML you need to select FileContent from the dropdown list next to the variable. That will copy the FileContent into the Web Service call.

Regards, Steve

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I've got some probleman trying to notify MII a file content from Pco 15.5 using SOAP webserverdestination.

In event viewer i can see that the transaction is called correctly but seems the FILE CONTENT is "BLANK".

In the transaction i've create an XML input variable (also tried with string) and selected it as inputParameters in Request Message Configuration.

In Pco LOG (verbose mode) i can see this message (ciao is my file content)

11/10/2022 11:53:05 202VerboseOMR1903L511956PCoSvcHostNotificationManager3766Notification [SendFile_Test2], notification destination [MII]: enqueueing a notification message containing values [FileContent] = [ciao]

In MII trnasaction i've create this EVENT LOGGER "FILE REACHED" & "\n" & Transaction.XML

but in EVENT VIEWER i can see only "FILE REACHED" as the XML input variable has not been passed.

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Hi Antonio,

Can you provide a screen shot of your MII Transaction Properties and the UWS Destination Request Message Configuration?

Regards, Steve