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Parameter Symbol / WWI / Phrase basd

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0 Kudos

Dear all

in a WWI template we are using a parameter symbol. This parameter symbol should print a phrase text. We have realized that the current logic does not support long text phrases. Up to now this was not a problem as we have handled only phrases without "longtext"; but now we have the first example. Now we try to extend the ABAP logic. But somehow we stuck a little bit. Issue is like: according to e.g.

we have a field called "value" which is used in the WWI/ABAP part.

This field does have a width/length of CHAR132. Now: if we have a phrase with long text this is not sufficient. How to handle this in internal ABAP logic?

How can we handle this situation properly? And what exacly (to your knowledge) is the use of the field "ord" in CVDDP table?

Currently we can print out the long text; but only as pieces of text of CHAR132 length (and we get the full text but seperated in several lines etc.) and not as a complete text (with out any carriage return/line feed and/or space problem.

Any idea?


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor

Hello Christoph,

There is no need to add mutiple lines - each 132 chars long and distinguished by the ORD field - into the E_CVDDP_TAB.

Instead you need to point the WWI Symbol to the SAP Script text key:

  • TDID

and set the VALEUTYPE to SAPITF (= SAP Script Text).

See below example for a long text identifier. Adjust accordingly for phrases.

e_cvddp_tab-valuetype = ic_symbol_value_type-sapitf. " Set value type to formated long-text " Include CBUI13 
CONCATENATE ic_ltxt_table-ident " Include CBUI11
            lr_estri->recn " ESTRI RECN of Ident you want to output
            lr_estri->actn " ESTRI ACTN of Ident you want to output
  INTO  e_cvddp_tab-tdname.
e_cvddp_tab-tdid     = ic_txtid-estri. " Include CBUI11
e_cvddp_tab-tdobject = ic_txtobj-estri. " Include CBUI11
e_cvddp_tab-tdspras  = ic_default_language .

The WWI logic will read the SAP Script text - and ensure that the full text (>132 characters) is outputted correctly.



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0 Kudos

Dear Mark

your feedback (and that of Holger) is helping us to find the correct solution.

ESTRI is slightly different than "phrases". Currently we use the standard "phrase read" to get it done. (up to now without full success) But now we will check your feedback.

I assume we need to clever use tables ESTPH/ESTPP to do the job. First identify the phrase key and then consume the data from phrase position based on your proposal.

As you may be know: we have a special SAP parameter in place (for long text). So i love your idea with the "SAPITF" story as we then can use any "special" topics in the phrase.

I would assume (in theory): yout proposal is valid for

- identifier

- phrase

- and "user defined text" stories

in the area of "parameter symbols".

and we have "only" to consume different tables. If we have solved the topic, then i will provide final feedback


Active Contributor

Dear all

the combination of the feedback of Mark and Holger helped us to find a soution. We are very close for "go Live". Therefore: Thanks again


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

0 Kudos

Dear Christoph,

as you described, my understanding is that it should be a standard function to output long text without wrapping. Just have a look at a standard function block like e.g. C14N_MSDSEU_HSTAT_PROVIDET.

There you can see how the long text determination and transfer is programmed. Otherwise just test with debugging and replace in your own coding...

Active Contributor

Dear Holger

thanks for the hint. This function module is more relates "Specification Symbols". But the idea inside and the feedback of Mark: i believe togetehr we will get s story ad sovle the topic.


0 Kudos


long text is normaly based on several lines, please check fm: read_text

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear Holger

currently we are able to read the "long text" (we can check this using "debug") and we can print it but not as one text with out any carriage return etc.. The issue is: we would like to present the phrase in one "flow" (all of the text). Here we struggle. We can read and print the text but the text is distributed in many lines in WWI.

Assumption: the reason is the "value" field. This field is used to pass the data from the ABAP part to the WWI part. And this field can not contain more than 132 CHAR. We are not 100% sure regarding the correct use of the "ORD" field in such a case.

BUt thanks for your idea
