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One piece of equipment but multiple crafts doing the work for a PM

0 Kudos

Hi SAP Gurus,

I have one piece of equipment where I need a 3 month PM by electricians, a 6 month PM by instrument technicians, and a 12 month PM done by another department. I have created one Maintenance Plan with a maintenance item for each so that works great. The issue now is that when the Maintenance item for 6 months comes up, the 3 month plan is not called. How to fix it so that the 3 month plan still calls when the 6 month plan calls? And even further, how to make it so that all three items call when the 12 month PM is due? I can create separate plans for each but I would like to keep it simple and have one plan for all three Maintenance items.

Thank you.

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Please check assigned strategy package in IP11.