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Not able to select buckets at portfolio item creation screen

0 Kudos

Hi colleagues,

It's not able to create portfolio items under buckets in our system (PPM 6.1 on ECC Ehp8).
No buckets are displayed in Create Portfolio Item screen although "Read" authorization are assigned to the buckets. Please see the screenshot attached.

Although we have configured IMG setting as described in note 1382703 - Create Initiative under Portfolio with read authorization. It's still not working, only if "Admin" or "Write" ahthorization are assigned to buckets, users can create portfolio items under these buckets.


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Answers (3)

0 Kudos

Below is a workaround solution provided by Lohith:
1. Assign "Write" authorization to buckets.
2. Set IMG customizing for bucket fields control to make fields editable only for "Admin" authorization.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Jimmy,

Note 1235897 is not about implementation of the note, you have to do customizing as per the instructions in provided in note which will allow item creation without admin access to the bucket.



0 Kudos

Hi Ravi,

I have checked note 1235897, it's to customize a new entry under Global Customizing->Global Settings
Check Global Settings. And then set value 'X' to this entry.

The entry already exists in our PPM system. It is PPM 450_700 mentioned in that note, we have a higher version of 610_740.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Jimmy,

If you have provided only read access to the bucket, then you need to add customer specific global settings to create item without admin access. Refer note 1235897 - Item creation without bucket 'Admin'.

Check again after overriding the global settings mentioned in the above note.



0 Kudos

Hi Ravi,

Thanks for your reply.

The note 1235897 you mentioned is already in our PPM version. And note 1382703 is a successor to it.

Seems both notes are implemented now, but it's still not work out.

