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MII - Report Production Quantity and Activities

0 Kudos

Hi All

Within SAP OEE, while doing Report Production Quantity ( Yield, Production and Scrap ) are showing on a different screen whereas Production Activities (ACT_STD_VAL) are showing on a different screen. While confirming the Production, only Production Quantity (ACT_REP_QTY) is getting updated at backend end system whereas Production Activities are not getting updated as those are on different screen.

I have an idea that workflow to confirm production is ORDER_CONFIRM_BAPI but it looks like it is reading value from activity ACT_REP_QTY and not accepting values ACT_STD_VAL

Can we merge two screens mentioned below in a single screens so that data from both screens get updated.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

Hi Adnan,

use the below for controllername and then try. also clear the cache.



Mahalakshmi Syamsunder

Answers (6)

Answers (6)


Hi Adnan,

As i mentioned earlier, you need to ensure the exact following path. i see you have missed WebContent/customActivity folder. please maintain the same and try

http://<host>:<port>/<Project name>/Web/WebContent/customActivity/<View page>


Mahalakshmi syamsunder

0 Kudos

Thanks , its almost working. Now issue is that view is still referring to controller on path sap.ui.oeeReportQuantity , rather than controller I placed in customActivity Folder.

<core:View xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns:suite="sap.suite.ui.commons" xmlns:l="sap.ui.layout" xmlns="sap.m"
	<Page showHeader = "false" showNavButton="false">
Uncaught Error: found in negative cache: 'sap/oee/ui/zoeeReportQuantity.controller.js' from ./sap/oee/ui/zoeeReportQuantity.controller.js: 404 - error
    at t1 (
    at (
    at (Controller-dbg.js:239:12)
    at h (View-dbg.js:469:20)
    at I (View-dbg.js:335:19)
    at f.c._initCompositeSupport (View-dbg.js:371:5)
    at ManagedObject-dbg.js:427:11
    at f.constructor (ManagedObject-dbg.js:450:4)
    at f.constructor (Element-dbg.js:99:17)
    at f.constructor (Control-dbg.js:119:11)


Hi Adnan,

Create a new custom activity of type UI and in url, place the path of the view page of your custom UI5 code (which you enhanced on top of the standard code). Please note that the custom UI5 code should be maintained as in the below path.

http://<host>:<port>/<Project name>/Web/WebContent/customActivity/<View page>

this is the approach to use the custom code in place of an upload option.

further use this custom activity in your dashboard against report production button


Mahalakshmi Syamsunder

0 Kudos

Hi Mahalakshmi

I have downloaded the controller and view from standard activity and uploaded on workbench as mentioned below, however when I am assigning same URL on UI activity, it is not showing any screen.

Below mentioned Activity is having URL of above view and assigned to relevant dashboard but it is showing a blank screen.


Hi Adnan,

In any workflow,

  1. Request xslt gets the inputxml from prexslt. create a custom bls and assign its path in prexslt transaction of workflow.
  2. In this custom bls, map the values for quantity and standard values.
  3. Inside prexslt custom txn, to map the values of qty and std activities, you need to get structure of the XML transaction variable. Every "Methods" in extension configuration has its own input and output xml structure provided by SAP to extend the standard functionalities.
  4. To get the latest structure of this XML, place a dummy bls with a write file in "report data" post extension and get the structure of input and output xml.
  5. once this is done, all the values gets into xml of request xslt (standard XSLT of workflow).
  6. Regarding UI, OEE standard dashboards are UI5 based. In activity configuration, there is an option to download the source code of standard "Report quantity" activity. in the downloaded code, insert your custom code for example to place the UI controls for standard activities. in this way, you can manage the UI as per your requirement.

Hope this is clear. let me know for any additional questions.


Mahalakshmi Syamsunder

0 Kudos

Thanks Mahalakshmi Syamsunder for a detailed answer.

On your last point - 6 i.e. UI, once file is downloaded and changes have been made. How to upload the file as there is no upload button. How activity will refer to new changes.


Hi Adnan,

There are 2 options that i can suggest

1. if the standard values are calculated ones,

then you can create a custom prexslt transaction of Order_confirm_bapi workflow and map the calculated values to ACTIVITY parameters such as activity 1 to activity 6. in this way the standard report data will fetch the qty, rework and scrap plus these mapped standard values.

2. if the requirement of merging qty reporting and std value reporting in same UI and if the standard values are manually reported and not calculated ones

, you have to customize report qty UI to add the standard value parameters plus use option1 for mapping the standard values


Mahalakshmi Syamsunder

0 Kudos

Thanks Mahalakshmi

Can you further explain how to map pre xslt values and deployed UI screen.

I can develop a new fiori App using Web IDE but how to link it with standard activity and how to deploy fiori app on MII. Same way how to map XSLT , any reference document or blog.

0 Kudos

Hi Adnan,

You need to create a new custom activity and assign this activity in dashboard instead of the standard activity.

Also please note, on every version/patch release from SAP, the custom code should be placed in the fresh downloaded code as the new release may or may not have changes in the standard activity.


Mahalakshmi S

0 Kudos

Hi Mahalakshmi

Thanks for your response. I have also created a custom activity, but it is just having option to download UI Code, there is no option to upload the code after changes. Maybe code needs to be uploaded through Web IDE or Eclipse over Workbench.

Secondly do you have any links, from where we can go through how to perform changes in activity screens.

Below screen shot is referring to custom activity, having no option to upload.

Standard activity screen, having option to download the code but there is not button to upload it.

0 Kudos

Dear OEE MII Expert,

I am facing same kind of issue, your support and is required to post production order confimation with prodution data (Yield, Rework and Scrap) and Activities Data (Setup, Machine and Labor) through single screen from OEE MIII to S/4Hana.