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MASS Release of SAP EHS Reports - MSDS

0 Kudos

Hi Experts

In One of my projects, I have created new specifications (Replica of the existing specifications with new number range as a part of data cleanup proj.) and now I will be assigning the Existing Materials to the newly created specifications. (de coupling material from existing specifications and assigning to the newly created specifications)

For this new Material - Spec assignment, I will have to create new reports (SDS and Labels) and that have to be released.

I just want to ask if there is any possibility to create reports and Release it in Mass ? If so what is that approach/ method.

Thanks In advance


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello Ashish,

mass generation is possible if your system is at least ECC EhP7. Then you can define report generation groups and thus generate multiple SDS for multiple specifications in one go, s. here. But the reports still need to be released one by one unless you change the generation variants so the SDS go into status released immediately after generation.

Best regards,


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

0 Kudos

Thank you so much Ralph and Christoph.

Your inputs are really helpful to decide on the path and what if & but's are need to be checked.

Thanks again.

I have similar question with DG master which will be raised in different thread

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear Ashish

the important word ist "mass" in your story.

Yes Ralph is correct.... with a higher SAP release you have a new option.... (honestly: we do not use the new options..) but even in lower Releases..

It is "simple"... You can generate in one run at least (by using Hitlist) a combination of "Validity area/language"

E.g. for DE/DE: you need only one run. E.g. for CH: you might need three tuns (CH/DE, CH/IT, CH/FR)... but it is possible.

The "highest" concern is the limitation of the "WWI server park". I have had the need to do something similar... and it took (i believe) 3 full days to generate all needed WWI documents. So the "WWI" part is the biggest limitation (regarding overall time aspects)

There is only one "but" (which applies as well to the option as highlighted by Ralph):

In most cases you do not get a "released" WWI report.. but a "ready to release" one... and this is "much of work" to get the documents released (in one run). E.g. if you use more than 50 reports... this is huge work

There is only one (potential risky) work around available: if you generate the WWI reports.... for some "hours" your generation variant must have the status "released". Than you can generate the documens in "one run"

This is "my workaround" (in Qual System). For Productive environment: you can use this approach as well,... but NO other user should try to generate a SDS... (as the user will get as well a "released" SDS.. and this is not always a good story)
